Empowered Women, Empowered Leaders Conference

Empowered Women, Empowered Leaders 2025

8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Friday, April 11
Binghamton University Health Sciences Campus in Johnson City, NY 

The Binghamton University Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and SUNY Broome invite everyone to this dynamic, day-long event. This inaugural conference will bring together women leaders, co-conspirators, advocates, university faculty/staff, students and community members to address critical issues such as wage gaps, career advancement, and social empowerment. 

This will be a space where women from all walks of life and intersectional identities can network, learn, and inspire each other to take meaningful steps forward in their personal and professional lives. Attendees will discover effective strategies utilized by leaders in different industries that they can apply to their own work.

The planning committee sincerely thanks our sponsors for financially supporting this inaugural event! Sponsors include:

  • Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; Binghamton Universty 
  • Division of Student Affairs; Binghamton Universty 
  • Multicultural Resource Center; Binghamton Universty 
  • Q Center; Binghamton Universty 
  • United Way Emerging Leaders Society
  • United University Professions (UUP) DEI Committee

Empowerment Brunch 2024

Toni Forge esq. described her journey as an entrepreneur in the California cannibis industry and civil rights lawyer to attendees.

Five women gathered together smiling at camera
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