The Q Center is proud to share this list of LGBTQ+ identifying staff and faculty members.
Given the nature of gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as the current
political climate, the LGBTQ+ community is often invisible. This Pride List serves
as a small way to amplify the visibility of our lovely queer community on campus and
allow students to see themselves reflected in our faculty and staff. All information
is self-reported by the listed campus community members and may change at any time
as identity is fluid. Feel free to contact any community member who provides their
email address on this list.
***This is an affinity list meaning only those identifying with the LGBTQ+ community
will be listed. If you are an ally, we greatly appreciate your support and will continue
developing additional avenues for you to connect with our center.***
Serdar Atav
Serdar Atav (he/him) Professor, Health Policy and Research; Decker College of Nursing
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Solidarity, support, safety. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Gay Contact:
Renae Barber
Renae (Lar) Barber (any) Community Engagement Outreach & Assessment Specialist, Center for Civic Engagement;
Student Affairs
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? I think the joy of the LGBTQ+ community is that it can mean whatever you want and
need it to. It can mean home, it can mean family, a safe place to land, a secure place
to be myself even when I don't quite know what or who that is yet. It can mean language
and identity and a safety net to play with those. A lens for seeing and experiencing
the world. It means a lot of different things at the same time. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Trans/Nonbinary; Bisexual-Asexual; Queer Contact:
David Biddle
David P. Biddle (he/him) Lecturer and Undergraduate Advising Liaison, Mathematical Sciences; Harpur College
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? It means acceptance, pride, and community. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Queer Contact:
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? The LGBTQ+ community means the world to me. Being safe, having chosen family, and
feeling both accepted and understood are all paramount to living my best life. I love
being able to connect with others and let them know I support them 100%.
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? As a psychological researcher, I believe having a strong sense of identity is essential
to well-being. Being able to find acceptance & comfort in your LGBTQIA+ identity,
and finding a community that supports you & raises you up is needed to live an authentically
happy life. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Bisexual
Tina Chronopoulos
Tina Chronopoulos (she/her) Associate Professor, Middle Eastern and Ancient Mediterranean Studies; Harpur College
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Acceptance, belonging, and care.
Deborah Elliston
Deborah Elliston (she/her) Assistant Professor (tenured), Anthropology & Women, Gender & Sexuality Studies; Harpur
College of Arts and Sciences
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? 💜 Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Queer
Brenda Feinen
Brenda Feinen (she/her) Assistant to the Director; Watson Fabrication Laboratory
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Safety, Community, Friends, Support Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Pansexual
Bryan Field
Bryan Field (he/him) Communications Officer, University Libraries
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Connection and a celebration of who you are. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Gay
Charley French
Charley French (they/them) Director of House Operations, Anderson Center
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? The LGBTQ+ community is home. It's a safe place filled with love and understanding,
where you can be free to embrace your full, authentic self. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Nonbinary; Transgender; Queer
Christianna Friedrichsen
Christinna Friedrichsen (she/her) Admissions and Student Services Specialist, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? To me, the LGBTQ+ community means a chosen family and a space to continue learning
about myself and others. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Queer
Raymond Fryc
Raymond Fryc (he/him) Academic Counselor; Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Having a community and feeling safe and celebrated with who you are! Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Gay
Sara Hall
Sara Hall (she/her) Senior Assistant Director, Center for Civic Engagement
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? A community of acceptance and self love. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Lesbian, Queer
Ryan Harrington
Ryan Harrington (he/him) Senior Academic Success Advisor; Academic Affairs and Enrollment Management
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? To me, the LGBTQ+ community means that there are so many others that "get" me and
my experiences. It also means that I'm never alone because there's always this chosen
family that have my back and love me authentically. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Gay Contact:
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Robin Hazen (they/she) Preservation Specialist, Preservation Unit; University Libraries
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Community, family, friends! Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Nonbinary, Pan, Demi/Ace
Rachel Higgins
Rachel Higgins (they/she) Resident Director, Residential Life
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Home. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Lesbian, queer, nonbinary
Jarod Hinton
Jarod Hinton (he/him) Communications and Marketing
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Family. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Gay Contact:
Tommy Iafrate
Tommy Iafrate (he/him) Director of Musical Theatre & Associate Professor
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Belonging, celebration, and pride.
Kirsten Knox
Kirsten Knox (she/her) Operations Director, Anderson Center
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Commonality, Togetherness, Understanding. Contact:
BethAnn Lubert
BethAnn Lubert (she/her) Assistant Director; Transportation and Parking Services/Call Center
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? The LGBTQ+ means a sense of belonging. Many folks have been rejected by family and
the social network they are a part of and may feel isolated and alone. The LGBTQ+
community is a welcoming and inclusive group that allows individuals to be themselves
and to be supported. It also provides visibility to those who may not feel safe to
come out or aren't sure they are ready to take that step. People within the community
can be supportive of these individuals and those of us who are out can share our experiences
as well to help open the door. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Lesbian, Gay Woman
Bruce Maine
Bruce Maine (he/him) Administrative Coordinator; School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Chosen Family, Pride, Community Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Gay
Nick Martin
Nick Martin (he/him) Associate Director, Q Center; Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? The LGBTQ+ Community represents strength, resilience, liberation, and defiance. I've
always appreciated the community for helping me get through a dark time and come out
the other side believing in myself and my future. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Gay
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Sean Massey (he/him) Associate Professor, Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies; Harpur College of Arts
and Sciences
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Not sure "LGBTQ+ community" is something that can be defined in one simple survey
question. I guess, ideally, it's a diverse set of individuals and communities that
share an affinity in their relationship to (marginalization by) the cis/het world;
who sometimes come together in common cause (but sometimes don't). When community
happens, it can be a powerful force for change (for some); it can provide much needed
resources and support to counter the stress of marginalization (for some); and it
can provide a family (for some) to replace one that was lost, one that is strained,
or one that never existed in the first place. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Gay
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? It's a place for gender, sexual and romantic minorities to engage with others with
shared experiences and identities. A place where we all come together and support
each other despite our differences, where we are all free to be ourselves without
fear of judgment or retribution. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Aromantic Asexual
Elizabeth A. Mellin
Elizabeth A. Mellin (she/her) Associate Professor; Department of Teachling, Learning and Educational Leadership
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Chosen family, community, and home. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Pansexual
Rachel Samiani
Rachel Samiani (she/her) Lecturer, Romance Languages/ Italian; Harpur College of Arts and Sciences
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? To me, this is a community of humans who are loving, unique, self-aware, and beautiful.
It is a place of acceptance and positivity toward all.
Dara Silberstein
Dara Silberstein (she/her) Faculty and Undergraduate Director; Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies (WGSS)
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? There is no one LGBTQ+ community but my hope is that there are intersectional communities
joined by commitments to social justice for all. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Queer/Lesbian Contact:
David Stone
David Stone (he/him) Manager, Customer Service, Facilities Management (retired)
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? Family. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Gay Contact:
Danika Van Niel
Danika Van Niel (she/her) Visiting Assistant Professor; Mathematics and Statistics
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? A place where you are accepted and can find your chosen family. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Pansexual Contact:
Kerry Whigham
Kerry Whigham (he/him) Co-Director and Assistant Professor; Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention/Department
of Public Administration and Policy
WHAT DOES THE LGBTQ+ COMMUNITY MEAN TO YOU? After growing up a closeted gay kid in the South, I feel proud to be part of a community
where I can live openly and happily, recognizing all the many aspects of my identity. Your Identity(ies) within the LGBTQ+ community: Gay