A-Level Exam Equivalencies

A-Level Exam Transfer Policies:

  • Binghamton awards 4 credits for AS or H1 Level exams and 8 credits for the A or H2 Level exams.
  • You can receive a maximum of 32 exam credits from all sources (AP, IB, CLEP, A-Levels)
    • Students who have more than 32 credits from exam coursework should consult with Harpur Advising to discuss which 32 credits should be used towards their degree.
  • In instances where a student scores at the A Level, the 8 A Level credits subsume the credit of the AS Level. That is, if a student receives the required minimum scores on both the A and AS levels on a particular subject exam, 8 A-Level credits will be awarded in place of the 4 AS-level credits.
  • Credit is awarded for scores of A-E unless otherwise noted in the equivalency table below.  
A-Level Exam
Binghamton Equivalency
General Education Requirement Fulfilled
Accounting, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: MGTE XXX (4 credits)
Accounting, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: MGTE XXX (8 credits)
Principles of Accounting A, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: MGTE XXX (8 credits)
Arabic, AS Level Foreign Language
  • Scores of A-E: Contact department for credit evaluation (4 credits)
Arabic, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: Contact department for credit evaluation (8 credits)
Art & Design, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits)
Art & Design, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (8 credits)
Aesthetics (A)
Art, H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits)
Art, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (8 credits)
Aesthetics (A)
Biology, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: MSCI XXX (4 credits)
Laboratory Science (L) 
Biology, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: MSCI XXX (8 credits)
Laboratory Science (L)
Business Studies, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: MGTE XXX (4 credits)
Business, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: MGTE XXX (8 credits)
Management of Business, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: MGTE XXX (8 credits) 
Chemistry, AS Level
  • Scores of A or B: CHEM 107 (4 credits)
  • Scores of C: CHEM XXX (4 credits)

No credit awarded for scores of D or E

Laboratory Science (L) for scores of A, B or C
Chemistry, A Level
  • Scores of A, B, or C: CHEM 107 (4 credits) and CHEM 108 (4 credits)

No credit awarded for scores of D or E

Laboratory Science (L) for scores of A, B or C
Chemistry, H1 Level
  • Scores of A or B: CHEM 107 (4 credits)
  • Scores of C: CHEM XXX (4 credits)

No credit awarded for scores of D or E

Laboratory Science (L) for scores of A, B or C 
Chemistry, H2 Level
  • Scores of A, B, or C: CHEM 107 (4 credits) and CHEM 108 (4 credits)

No credit awarded for scores of D or E

Laboratory Science (L) for scores of A, B or C
Chinese, A Level
  •  Scores of A-E: CHIN 204 (4 credits) & CHIN 2XX (4 credits)
World Language (WL3)
Chinese Language, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: CHIN 204 (4 credits)
World Language (WL3)
Chinese Language & Literature, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: CHIN 204 (4 credits) & CHIN 2XX (4 credits) 
World Language (WL3)
Chinese, Malay, Tamil, H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: CHIN XXX (4 credits)
Chinese Studies in Chinese, H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: CHIN XXX (4 credits)
Chinese Studies in Chinese, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: CHIN XXX (4 credits)
Chinese Studies in English, H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits)
Chinese Studies in English, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits) 
Classical Studies, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: Contact department advisor (4 credits)
Classical Studies, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: Contact department advisor (8 credits)
Humanities (H)
Computer Science, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: CS XXX (4 credits) 
Computer Science, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: CS XXX (8 credits) 
Computing, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: CS XXX (8 credits) 
Design and Technology, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: NLIB XXX (4 credits)
Design and Technology, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: NLIB XXX (8 credits)
Design & Textiles, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits) 
Design & Textiles, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (8 credits)
Digital Media & Design, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits) 
Digital Media & Design, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (8 credits) 
Drama, AS Level 
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits)
Drama, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: THEA 1XX (8 credits)
Aesthetics (A)
Economics, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A or B: ECON 162 (4 credits)

No credit awarded for scores of C, D or E

Social Science (N) for scores of A or B
Economics, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A or B: ECON 160 (4 credits) & ECON 162 (4 credits)
No credit awarded for scores of C, D or E
Social Science (N) for scores of A or B
English General Paper, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits)
English Language, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits) 
English Language, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (8 credits)  
English Language & Literature, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits) 
English Language & Linguistics, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (8 credits)  
Literature in English, H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: ENG 200 (4 credits)
Literature in English, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: ENG 200 (4 credits) & ENG 2XX (4 credits)
Humanities (H)
English Literature, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: ENG 200 (4 credits)
English Literature, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: ENG 200 (4 credits) & ENG 2XX (4 credits)
Humanities (H)
Environmental Management, AS Level
  • Scores of A: ENVI 201 (4 credits)
  • Scores of B or C: ENVI 101 (4 credits)

No credits awarded for scores of D or E

French Language, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: FREN 211 (4 credits)
    *Please contact department about course placement
World Language (WL3)
French, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: FREN 215 (4 credits) & LART XXX (4 credits)
    *Please contact department about course placement
World Language (WL3)
General Studies in Chinese H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits)
Geography, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: GEOG 101 (4 credits)
Social Science (N)
Geography, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: GEOG 101 (4 credits)  & GEOG 120 (4 credits)
Social Science (N)
German Language, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: GERM 2XX (4 credits)
World Language (WL3)
German Language, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: GERM 2XX (8 credits)
World Language (WL3)
Global Perspectives and Research, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits)
Global Perspectives and Research, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (8 credits)
History, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits)
History, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: SOCS XXX (8 credits)
Social Science (N)
India Studies, H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits)
India Studies, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (8 credits)
Information Technology, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: NLIB XXX (4 credits)
Information Technology, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: NLIB XXX (8 credits)
Islamic Studies, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: *Contact department for credit evaluation 
Islamic Studies, A Level
  •  Scores of A-E: *Contact department for credit evaluation 
Japanese Language, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: JPN 204 (4 credits)
World Language (WL3)
Knowledge Skills: General Paper, H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits) 
Knowledge Skills: Project Work, H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits)
Knowledge & Inquiry, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (8 credits) 
Malay Language & Literature, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (8 credits) 
Marine Science, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: MSCI XXX (4 credits)
Marine Science, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: MSCI XXX (4 credits)
Mathematics, AS Level
  • For scores of A, B, C: MATH 223 + MATH 224 (4 credits)
  • For scores of D & E: MSCI XXX (4 credits)
Mathematics (M)
Mathematics, A Level
  • For scores of A, B, C: MATH 224 + MATH 225 + 4 credits of MSCI XXX (8 credits total)
  • For scores of D & E: MSCI XXX (8 credits)
Mathematics (M)
Further Mathematics, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: MSCI XXX (4 credits) - Contact department for credit evaluation
Further Mathematics, A Level
  • Scores of A, B, C: MATH 224 + MATH 225 + TMAT 272 (8 credits)
  • For scores of D & E: MSCI XXX (8 credits)

Mathematics (M)

Music, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: MUS 110 (4 credits) 
Music, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: MUS 110 (4 credits) & MUSP XXX (4 credits)
Aesthetics (A)
Physics, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A, B or C: MSCI XXX (4 credits) 

*No credit awarded for scores of D or E

Physics, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A, B or C: PHYS 121 (4 credits) & PHYS 122 (4 credits)

*No credit awarded for scores of D or E

Laboratory Science (L) for scores of A, B or C
Psychology, AS or H1 Level
  • Scores of A-E: PSYC 111 (4 credits)
Psychology, A or H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: PSYC 111 (4 credits) & PSYC 2XX (4 credits)
Sociology, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (4 credits)
Sociology, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: SOCS XXX (8 credits)
Social Science (N)
Spanish: FIrst Language, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: SPAN 2XX (4 credits) - *Please contact department about course placement 
World Language (WL3)
Spanish Language, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: SPAN 211 (4 credits) - *Please contact department about course placement
World Language (WL3)
Spanish Language, A Level
  • Scores of A-E: SPAN 215 (4 credits) & LART XXX (4 credits) - *Please contact department about course placement
World Language (WL3)
Spanish Literature, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: SPAN 2XX (4 credits) - *Please contact department about course placement
World Language (WL3)
Tamil Language & Literature, H2 Level
  • Scores of A-E: LART XXX (8 credits)
Thinking Skills, AS Level
  • Scores of A-E: HUM XXX (4 credits)
Humanities (H)
In order to request official transcripts to be sent to Binghamton:

1. Complete the "Results Transcript Application" form on the Cambridge Assessment International Website.

2. Use for following Recipient information:

Binghamton University

Binghamton University
PO Box 6001
Binghamton, NY 13902-6001

3. Return to info@cambridgeinternational.org. Include "Results Transcript Application" in the subject line of the email.