Social Learning Center

Social Learning Center

The Social Learning Center (SLC) opened in Fall 2008 to provide a naturalistic venue for children enrolled at the ICD to develop social, recreational and play skills. We hope that all who enter feel welcome, safe, and inspired to grow.

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Why the SLC is a special to learn and play

The SLC serves as a safe place to play outdoors, where children can play with their siblings and other children. The SLC provides a space to learn recreational skills and support motor development in a community-like setting. Some of our children have difficulty with movement and safety judgment and require a safe environment that is not always available in their own communities. Some children need quiet spaces where they might participate in small-group activities or observe - and then try - more challenging activities. The SLC was designed specifically to meet the special needs of our children year round. Safety features include top-quality, all-weather safety surfacing and a variety of playground equipment approved by the National Program for Playground Safety.

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SLC Saturdays - Community Inclusive Playtime & Special Events

These special Saturdays allow more time for families and their children to play together for hours of fun in a safe and supported setting. Our volunteers, BU students and ICD staff, provide support for these SLC Saturday community events.  We sincerely thank all those who made SLC Saturdays possible!

Thank you to our supporters for making the SLC possible!

The Social Learning Center was made possible through the generosity of hundreds of families and friends who believe in the power of play. We are most grateful to our major donors, especially the Shamrock Five Foundation, for whom the Social Learning Center is named. The grand entrance gate bears the Gaelic greeting meaning a hundred thousand welcomes. We strive to continue to offer an inclusive, safe, and welcoming place for all.


A playground for children of all ages! Since the grand opening, the SLC has served as a safe place to play outdoors, where children can interact with their siblings and other children and where families and staff can support children's development in a community-like setting.

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