3D Scanning
What are 3D Scanners?
There are multiple types of 3D Scanners for different purposes. However, any device
that has the capability to assess and measure the physical world with the use of lasers,
lights or x-rays and generates dense point clouds or polygon meshes is to be considered
a 3D scanner. ETS has an array of 3D Scanners including the NextEngine and DAVID scanner.
Depending on the nature of the project, we might recommend the most suitable scanner
to best fit your needs.
How does 3D Scanning Work?
The scan data retrieved with the help of the 3D Scanner can be observed with a digital
scale model or a 3D graphical rendering. Dimensions of the physical object can be
determined with the scan data, such as length, width, height, volume, feature size,
feature location, surface area, etc.
A bridge can be drawn between physical objects and modern manufacturing with the 3D scan data. We can achieve so by converting the data into computer-aided design (CAD) models, using it to compare against the "as-designed" ideal of the part, or using it in the seemingly infinite number of computer-aided engineering (CAE) tools available.
If you feel you have maximized the quality of your 3D scan within ScanStudioHD, but
still need to make modifications to your model, you could use another 3D modeling
program like Autodesk fusion 360 or Meshmixer. Both of these editing programs (and
more) are available at the studio.
3D Scanning
NextEngine 3D Scanner
Sense 3D Scanner
David 3D Scanner
This workshop will provide an introduction to the NextEngine 3D scanner and software. Attendees will scan a sample object and then use the software to refine the mesh and prepare it for 3D printing.
Times Offered:
If you would like to take the workshop but this time doesn't work for you, please email us at emergingtechstudio@binghamton.edu and we can schedule an alternate time.