What you need to know…
International Travel Request form now online
The International Travel Request form is now online. Depending on the details of the travel, the online R&A workflow may prompt you to provide additional information. Your request to travel internationally may undergo further review for approval via the workflow.
Any questions may be directed to
Employee Travel Guidelines
Employee Travel Guidelines Video
Employee Travel Guidelines Powerpoint
2025 Mileage Rate Change
Effective January 1, 2025, the standard mileage reimbursement rate for employee travel will be 70 cents per mile, up 3 cents from January 2024.
Lodging over per justification policy
On occasion, travelers may be unable to find a hotel at a rate that does not exceed the maximum federal lodging per-diem rate for the location of the travel event. If that occurs, travelers must obtain PRIOR WRITTEN APPROVAL from the Travel Office to exceed the federal rate using the Request and Authorization form (R&A). On the R&A form, there is space available to give such a justification.
If staying at a hotel that is over the area's lodging per-diem, this needs to be justified on the R&A form before the trip occurs or traveler will only be eligible for reimbursement of the area's lodging per-diem.
Conference site-hotel that houses any conference/meeting events; staying at the conference site does not need to be pre-justified.
Conference recommended hotel-host hotel(s) for the conference/meeting-staying in host hotels does need to be pre-justified on R&A (again, before trip)
NYS OSC wants the traveler to show that the lodging that was obtained was at the most economical room rate possible-compare 3 like hotels, pick the most economical option and document on R&A before the travel event.
State travel to Mississippi prohibited until further notice regardless of fund source
Be advised that the NYS Governor has issued an Executive Order banning non-essential
travel to Mississippi. Any state travel, regardless of the funding source, to Mississippi will be banned unless necessary for the enforcement of New York state
law, to meet prior contractual obligations or for the protection of public health,
welfare and safety. If you have questions, contact the Travel Office at 607-777-4660 or 607-777-2039
. You may view a copy of the Executive Order at the following link: