
The J. W. Wadsworth 2, Locus 2 Site (or JWW2-2 Site) is a multi-component campsite with precontact Indigenous site use that occurred during the Late Archaic Period (ca. 4000-1800 BC), the Transitional Period (ca. 1800-700 BC), the Early Woodland Period (ca. 700 BC – AD 0), and the early part of the Late Woodland Period (ca. AD 900 – AD 1350); a post-contact Historic Period of use by Indigenous people during the late 18th century was also identified. 

Site chronology was initially established using diagnostic cultural material (material associated with a certain time period), such as pottery and projectile points, the presence of domesticated foods like corn, and trade goods of Indigenous and European origin. The chronological information provided by these cultural markers was supplemented by radiocarbon dating of nutshells and corn from feature soil samples. In some cases, dating confirmed the evidence suggested by the diagnostic materials recovered from within the features. This was especially true for the large storage pits, most of which dated to the early Late Woodland Period. The smudge pits and other thermal/fire-related features selected for dating were older, dating to the Late Archaic and Transitional Periods. The Early Woodland Period is the least well understood component at present. The evidence for site use during this period is comprised of a handful of diagnostic stone tools, none of which were found in features submitted for radiometric dating. The location of the J. W. Wadsworth site was desirable for a variety of short-term and long-term habitations that occurred over thousands of years. Our research suggests that in the Late Woodland Period the site was occupied seasonally by people returning to the site year after year. 


Rolled brass tube bead. 


Fragments of Meadowood cache blades dating to the Early Woodland Period. The small cluster of Meadowood material culture in this part of the site suggests a brief habitation.