Decker School of Nursing Graduate Student Handbook
- The Decker School of Nursing (DSON) in Binghamton University's Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences reserves the right to amend or alter the content of this handbook at any time. All policies were reviewed by the Master’s Curriculum Committee and the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee in June 2020.
Table of Contents
Overview and General Information
- Preface
- Decker School of Nursing Vision, Mission and Statement of Philosophy
- Graduate School Manual and Decker Graduate Student Handbook
- Admission Requirements for Degree and Post-Graduate Certificate Programs
- Expenses
Decker School of Nursing Student Policies
- Human Subjects Review Guidelines
- DSON Standing and Continuing Ad Hoc Committees
- Inclement Weather Policy
- Policy and Procedure Guidelines for Occupational Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
- Policy and Procedure Guidelines for Standard Precautions
- Policies for Student Clinical Practice
- Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disability-Related Needs
- Grievance Policy
- Criminal Background Screening and Drug Screening Administrative Policy
- Professional Ethics and Academic Honesty Policy
- Policy and Procedures for Student Incident Reports
- Violation of Nursing Standards (VNS) Policy
- Code of Ethics for Nurses
- Graduate Uniform Policy
Student Services
- Advisement Assistance in Program Planning
- Advanced Practice Certifications (NP certifications, educational [course] completion verifications and hospital certification requests)
Decker Student Organizations
Graduate Nursing Student Policies and Requirements
- Petitioning an Academic Regulation
- Student Request to Change Program Role or Specialization
- Academic Load/Progression Level (FT vs. PT enrollment)
- Registration/Course Add, Drop, Withdraw
- Continuous Registration and Leave of Absence
- Grade of Incomplete
- Withdrawal
- Readmission
- Preparation of Written Assignments for Nursing Courses
- Course Transfer Policy
- Grading System of the Graduate School and the Decker School of Nursing
- Graduate Exam Review
- Requirements for Graduation
- Probation Policy of the Graduate School
- Expectations Regarding Computer Literacy
- Declaration of Candidacy
- Independent Study Guidelines
- Nurse Practitioner NYS Prescribing Requirement
- Clinical Placements
Graduate Nursing Student Financial Aid, Scholarships and Funding
- Financial Assistance
- Procedures for Initiating Fellowships, Assistantships and Traineeships
- Scholarships
- Research Funding
- Sigma Theta Tau
Graduate Nursing Program Curricula
Masters and Post-Graduate Programs
- End-of-Program Outcomes
- Master's Programs of Study
- Family Nursing
- Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
- Community Health Primary Care Nursing (family nursing with community health emphasis)
- Adult-Gerontological Primary Care Nursing
- Post-Graduate Nurse Practitioner Certificate Programs
- Certificate in Nursing Education
- Certificate in Disaster Management
- Certificate in Forensic Health
Organization of the Curricula
- Core Courses
- Policies Regarding Health Assessment Courses
- Electives
- Prerequisites or Corequisites
- Thesis
- Master's Synthesis Experience Project
Doctoral Programs
Overview and General Information
The Decker School of Nursing Graduate Student Handbook defines program-specific policies and procedures for enrolled graduate nursing students. It complements the Graduate School Manual and the Binghamton University Academic Guide (formerly the Bulletin). Students are expected to familiarize themselves with University rules and expectations for graduate students in this handbook, the Graduate School Manual and the Academic Guide.
I offer you my warmest welcome and wish you every success as you pursue an advanced nursing degree.
Nicole Rouhana, PhD, FACNM, FNP-BC
Director of Graduate Nursing Programs and Associate Professor of Nursing
Decker School of Nursing
If you have questions about the policies contained in this document, contact the Graduate Nursing Program Office at 607-777-4712 or the clinical site coordinator at 607-777-4845.
Decker School of Nursing Vision, Mission and Statement of Philosophy
Graduate School Manual and Decker Graduate Student Handbook
The Graduate School Manual is an invaluable resource for all Binghamton University graduate students. It provides comprehensive information on graduate programs of study and outlines all University policies and procedures that graduate students must follow.
The Decker School of Nursing Graduate Student Handbook is the graduate nursing student's resource for understanding DSON graduate program-specific policies and procedures. The two manuals complement each other and should be used as such. Students should become familiar with both documents.
Admission Requirements for Degree Programs and Post-Graduate Certificate Programs
Decker School of Nursing admission requirements for all applicants to matriculated and nonmatriculated degree programs of study are posted on the Graduate Admissions website (for details go to the specific program you are interested in). Categories of admission for applicants can vary and are defined in the Graduate School Manual.
Beginning full-time BSN prepared students must take and pass the NCLEX-RN exam by August 15. Students who do not pass will be blocked or removed from clinical course enrollment.
Expenses beyond tuition and University fees are variable, and depend on the specific courses in which a student is enrolled. The following is an estimate; all costs are subject to change.
- Costs for transportation to clinical sites are the student's responsibility. Cost varies depending on distance.
- Malpractice insurance is required; a charge of approximately $12 per course is assessed for each course in which the student encounters a client/patient in conjunction with course requirements (observational experiences are included). This is a SUNY-mandated fee regardless of outside malpractice insurance policies under which a student may have current coverage.
- Annual health evaluation and immunization costs are the student's responsibility.
- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification is required annually.
- Textbooks required for nursing courses average $500–$1,000 per full-time semester.
- Uniform and medical equipment costs are the student's responsibility.
- A one-time $90 access fee is charged to enroll in Typhon, a clinical experience management system, which is required for all graduate students enrolled in clinical courses.
- A simulation fee is attached to graduate nursing courses when deemed appropriate by Decker College administration in relation to the use of Decker's Innovative Simulation and Practice Center and student simulation activities required to meet course objectives. See the Binghamton University Academic Guide (formerly the Bulletin) for a list of courses that carry the simulation fee. Additional courses may be assigned the simulation fee if Decker administration determines it is appropriate in relation to course objectives. There is a one-time per semester simulation fee of $330 (regardless of the number of courses students are enrolled in for that semester that carry the simulation fee).
Decker School of Nursing Student Policies
All clinical policies were reviewed by the Decker School of Nursing Clinical Placement Office in June 2020.
Human Subjects Review Guidelines
All research and capstone projects involving human subjects must be reviewed and approved before initiating any research or project. All research activities involving human subjects must be evaluated by the Human Subjects Research Review Committee using the Preaward and Compliance System (PACS). The level of the review (exempt, expedited or full) depends on the type of research needed for the study or project.
DSON Standing and Continuing Ad Hoc Committees
Decker School of Nursing committees are composed of students, faculty, staff and administrators. The following describes the purpose, responsibility and membership of the Decker School of Nursing Faculty Council and its standing committees. Because DSON values student input and evaluation, graduate students should consider serving on Decker School committees.
DSON Faculty Council
Faculty Council is the DSON's major deliberative and legislative body.
Faculty Council has 14 standing committees, with additional ad hoc committees established by the council during the academic year for the purposes defined in the resolutions creating them. The following seven committees invite graduate student representation.
Standing and Ad Hoc Committees
- Committee on Committees
- Evaluation Committee
- Simulation Committee
- Admissions and Academic Standards Committee
- Masters Committee
- Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Committee
- Doctoral Program Committee
Inclement Weather Policy
In the event of inclement weather, students are strongly advised to contact:
- the appropriate faculty member prior to traveling to campus OR
- the preceptor prior to traveling to a clinical site
Policy and Procedure Guidelines for Occupational Post-Exposure Prophylaxis
To provide a process for access to evaluation and treatment for any DSON student sustaining an occupational exposure. Prompt evaluation and treatment of healthcare workers following occupational exposure enhances positive outcomes. Evaluation and treatment of the exposure should be made by a healthcare professional as soon as possible, ideally within one hour, and no later than 36 hours post-exposure.
- Healthcare worker: Any person (e.g., employee, student, contractor, attending clinician or volunteer) whose activities involve contact with patients or with blood or other body fluids from patients in a healthcare or laboratory setting.
- Exposure: Percutaneous injury (e.g., a needle-stick or cut with a sharp object), contact of mucous membrane or nonintact skin (e.g., when the exposed skin is chapped, abraded or afflicted with dermatitis), or contact with intact skin when the duration of contact is prolonged (i.e., several minutes or more) or involves an extensive area, with blood, tissue or other body fluids.
- Body fluids: Includes a) semen, vaginal secretions or other body fluids contaminated with visible blood that have been implicated in the transmission of HIV infection; and b) cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial and amniotic fluids that have an undetermined risk for transmitting HIV.
- All DSON students must complete the OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standard and NYSHD Infection Control Mandatory Training annually and demonstrate successful completion of a test on the required content prior to entry into the clinical setting. RN and graduate students who can provide documentation of having received such training from their work site will be excused from the DSON training.
- If a student sustains an exposure, the student shall immediately notify the supervising faculty member and the nurse or nursing supervisor in charge of the clinical practice setting.
- Wash exposure site with soap and water.
- The need for emergent wound care (e.g., laceration) should be determined with prompt follow-up if indicated.
- The student (under the direction of the faculty member) and the nurse from the agency will complete the appropriate incident reports and/or risk assessment questionnaire. A copy of this/these report(s) will be forwarded to the DSON for inclusion in the student's personal health file.
- An assessment of exposure risk should be performed; the student and the source patient should be evaluated to determine the need for post-exposure prophylaxis. The exposure should be evaluated for potential to transmit HIV based on the type of body substance involved and the route and severity of exposure. Should there be a question on either the part of the student, faculty member or supervisor regarding need for further evaluation for possible treatment, the employee health officer or infection control department of the involved clinical agency should be consulted. The source patient should be evaluated as per agency policy and procedure.
- Should the exposure be assessed to be high-risk, employee health or infection control at the clinical agency will be notified.
- The appropriate agency staff will review the incident with the student and provide counseling specific to HIV and Hepatitis B and C testing, risk assessment and need for post-exposure prophylaxis. A copy of these recommendations should be obtained for inclusion in the student's health file. The faculty member or appointed designee will act as a support and resource person for the student during this process.
- If the student elects post-exposure prophylaxis, it should be obtained as soon as possible (Employee Health Department at Guthrie Lourdes; United Occupational Medicine Department at UHS). Documentation of the treatment plan should be forwarded to the DSON for inclusion in the student's health file. The student should also include a statement regarding plans for treatment compliance. The student is advised to seek counseling during the treatment period. Resources will be identified for the student as needed.
- Any accrued costs in evaluation and treatment will be the responsibility of the student. If cost is prohibitive, the student is encouraged to discuss the issue with the DSON's clinical site coordinator.
- If the student declines recommended treatment, he/she must state in writing that he/she is aware of possible negative consequences of the decision. A copy of this refusal will be included in the student's health file.
- Documentation of health clearance by a healthcare provider is necessary before the student will be allowed to return to the clinical area.
- If the exposure is assessed to be a low risk, the student should be informed that follow-up is not recommended at this time. If there is further concern on the student's part, referral to the local health department or a private healthcare provider will be made.
- The content of this policy should be reviewed annually and evaluated for current standard of care.
Policy and Procedure Guidelines for Standard Precautions
Medical history and examination cannot reliably identify patients infected with HIV or bloodborne pathogens. Blood and body fluid precautions should be consistently used for all patient contacts when exposure to blood and body fluid is anticipated.
- Healthcare worker: Any person (e.g., employee, student, contractor, attending clinician or volunteer) whose activities involve contact with patients or with blood or other body fluids from patients in a healthcare or laboratory setting.
- Exposure: Percutaneous injury (e.g., a needle-stick or cut with a sharp object), contact of mucous membrane or nonintact skin (e.g., when the exposed skin is chapped, abraded or afflicted with dermatitis), or contact with intact skin when the duration of contact is prolonged (i.e., several minutes or more) or involves an extensive area, with blood, tissue or other body fluids.
- Body fluids: Includes a) semen, vaginal secretions or other body fluids contaminated with visible blood that have been implicated in the transmission of HIV infection; and b) cerebrospinal, synovial, pleural, peritoneal, pericardial and amniotic fluids that have an undetermined risk for transmitting HIV.
The following precautions are taken from the MMWR, August 21, 1987, published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
- All healthcare workers should routinely use appropriate barrier precautions to prevent skin and mucous membrane exposure when contact with blood or other body fluids of any patient is anticipated. Gloves should be worn for touching blood and body fluids, mucous membranes or nonintact skin of all patients; for handling items of surfaces soiled with blood or body fluids; and for performing venipuncture and other vascular-access procedures. Gloves should be changed after contact with each patient. Masks and protective eyewear or face shields should be worn during procedures that are likely to generate droplets of blood or other body fluids to prevent exposure of mucous membranes of the mouth, nose and eyes. Gowns or aprons should be worn during procedures that are likely to generate splashes of blood and/or other body fluids.
- Hands and other skin surfaces should be washed immediately and thoroughly if contaminated with blood or other body fluids. Hands should be washed immediately after gloves are removed.
- All healthcare workers should take precautions to prevent injuries caused by needles, scalpels, other sharp instruments or devices during procedures; when cleaning used instruments; during disposal of used needles; and when handling sharp instruments after procedures. To prevent needle-stick injuries needles should not be recapped, purposely bent or broken by hand, removed from disposable syringes, or otherwise manipulated by hand. After they are used, disposable syringes and needles, scalpel blades and other sharp items should be placed in puncture-resistant containers for disposal; the puncture-resistant containers should be located as close as practical to the use area. Large-bore reusable needles should be placed in puncture-resistant containers for transport to the reprocessing area.
- Although saliva has not been implicated in HIV transmission, to minimize the potential risk associated with mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, mouthpieces, resuscitation bags or other ventilation devices should be available for use in areas in which the need for resuscitation is predictable.
- Healthcare workers who have exudative lesions or weeping dermatitis should refrain from all direct patient care and from handling patient care equipment until the condition resolves.
- Pregnant healthcare workers are not known to be at greater risk of contracting HIV infection than healthcare workers who are not pregnant; however, if a healthcare worker develops HIV infection during pregnancy, the infant is at risk of infection resulting from perinatal transmission. Because of this risk, pregnant healthcare workers should be especially familiar with and strictly adhere to precautions to minimize the risk of HIV transmission.
- The content of this policy should be reviewed annually and evaluated for current standard of care.
Policies for Student Clinical Practice
Health/Clinical Practice Requirements
All students participating in clinical laboratory experiences must meet standards regarding health status as outlined by the New York State Department of Health Code, Section 405.3. Included in the code is a regulation stating the health status of all persons involved in direct patient care must be assessed before the individual's assumption of patient care duties. The evaluation needs to be "of sufficient scope to ensure that no person shall assume his/her/their duties unless he/she/they is free from a health impairment which is of potential risk to the patient or which might interfere with the performance of his/her/their duties, including the habituation or addiction to depressants, stimulants, narcotics, alcohol or other drugs or substances which may alter the individual's behavior." Student health status should be evaluated at least annually with reassessment as frequently as judged necessary. The information provided must be of sufficient quantity and quality to allow a decision to be made that supports quality patient care and safe practice.
DEC. 2024 NOTE: Decker is transitioning to a new medical document management system and will update the information below as soon as possible.
All students are required to establish a CastleBranch medical document management account and pay a one-time fee for the service. Students must upload all health requirements into their medical document manager account one month prior to enrollment for review and approval. If you attended a different university in which you previously established a CastleBranch account, you must pay the one-time fee to create a new medical document management account as a student of Binghamton University. Binghamton University students who have a previous, existing CastleBranch account when they enter the DSON graduate program can notify CastleBranch customer service at 888-723-4263 or the DSON clinical site coordinator to have their account updated to reflect graduate status.
Students participating in clinical courses in the nursing major are required to submit a completed annual Student Health Evaluation form located in the Graduate Student Health Packet to CastleBranch. DSON manages all health requirements through CastleBranch. The health/clinical practice requirements as outlined below must be fulfilled and be completed before beginning clinical coursework.
The DSON will not provide opportunities for clinical experiences for students who fail to meet the following requirements/responsibilities.
- A completed annual physical examination documented on the DSON Health Evaluation form and submitted to CastleBranch and to Decker Student Health Services. University requirements are less stringent than those of the DSON; therefore, students cannot assume that meeting Binghamton University requirements is sufficient. University Health Services will accept the DSON documentation. Download the Student Health Evaluation form in the Graduate Student Health Packet (see link above).
- Two intradermal Mantoux tuberculin tests are required for the first semester before entering the clinical setting and then one annually thereafter. Students with a positive Mantoux test will be required to have a chest X-ray and show satisfactory (to the University) evidence of follow-up healthcare. A Tuberculosis Screening form (in the Graduate Student Health Packet, link above) must be completed annually for those with a positive Mantoux history.
- DSON students must provide proof of immunity to specific communicable diseases as outlined on the Student Health Evaluation form. In addition, the DSON recommends the Hepatitis B immunization series. Hepatitis B infection is a major occupational hazard for healthcare workers because the procedures performed may involve contact with blood or blood-contaminated body fluids. According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the risk of acquiring Hepatitis B infection is often highest during professional-education programs and immunization should be completed during study in schools of nursing, medicine, dentistry and other health professions. If, for personal reasons, a student chooses not to receive a Hepatitis B vaccine, a statement of declination needs to be signed by the student and on file with CastleBranch.
- The healthcare agencies DSON uses for clinical experiences require that students are certified in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). Students are responsible for obtaining and maintaining biennial (every two years) CPR certification. The level of certification required is equivalent to that of "professional rescuer." Students must show evidence of CPR certification before the beginning of the nursing sequence and every other year to participate in nursing courses with a clinical component. Both the front and back of the signed CPR card must be uploaded to the student's CastleBranch account.
NOTE: The DSON does not accept online certification for CPR.
Binghamton University provides malpractice insurance in the amount of $3 million and all nursing students registered in clinical courses must purchase this coverage through the University at a nominal charge. Students may choose to carry private insurance as additional coverage.
Graduate and RN students enrolled in clinical courses must have a copy of their valid unencumbered RN license on file in their CastleBranch account. Students completing clinical rotations in the state of New York must have a New York State RN License. Most states require RN licensure in the state where clinical requirements/preceptorship are being completed.
Students must provide proof of current personal health insurance coverage. Both the front and back copy of the insurance card must be uploaded into CastleBranch clearly showing the student's name as insured. If the student's name does not appear on the insurance card, the student must obtain a letter from the insurance company stating they are covered by the insurance plan and upload the letter to CastleBranch.
Every year, all students must sign a confidentiality statement that is kept on file at the DSON.
Students may be asked to comply with additional requirements of select clinical agencies (e.g., background checks, drug testing, removal of artificial/acrylic nails, more frequent Mantoux testing) to participate in clinical experiences at those agencies. Any cost incurred in fulfilling additional requirements are the student's responsibility.
Clinical agencies may request copies of select information from students' health records. Students must sign a release so this information may be forwarded to the agencies. Delay or failure to sign a release may lead to a delay/denial of clinical placement.
Students experiencing health problems or a change in their health status that may affect their ability to function safely in the clinical laboratory setting must submit an additional statement from their healthcare provider. This statement should address any limitation or restrictions resulting from the health problem. This information must submitted directly to the DSON clinical site coordinator before the laboratory experience or upon return if the student has been absent due to the health problem. Binghamton University also may require a student to undergo an appropriate medical evaluation at the University's expense before readmission or resumption of clinical placement (classes).
Responsibilities of Patient Care
When determining student clinical placement, student preference may be taken into consideration. The DSON Clinical Placement Office makes final clinical placements based on student, course, preceptor, agency and school needs. Students will not be placed in an educational clinical experience at their work site or where they have supervisory responsibilities, with their own personal care provider, or with a relative or significant other. Such a situation often contributes to role confusion and the potential for a conflict of interest. In health organizations with multiple sites, placement at a site other than the student's actual work site in the employing organization may be considered and will be completed at the discretion of the DSON Clinical Placement Office.
Binghamton University assumes no responsibility for providing transportation from campus to the clinical health agencies used for student clinical experiences. Students must arrange their own transportation to clinical agencies and affiliated sites. Some clinical experiences require students to travel a distance up to 150 miles. There may be parking costs at some clinical agencies.
DSON faculty and students are expected to practice nursing in adherence to the ANA Code of Ethics. Student behavior in the clinical area that is identified by faculty, clinical agency or a clinical preceptor as unprofessional may result in removal of the student from the clinical placement and further investigation of the student's fitness to practice. Only when the DSON determines that the student is fit to practice will the student be permitted to resume his/her/their duties and responsibilities in the clinical area.
Reasonable Accommodations for Students with Disability-Related Needs
The document below has been created to help with the recruitment, admission and advancement of students in the Decker School of Nursing. It contains information about providing reasonable accommodation for students with disabilities and outlines the essential skills needed to achieve program goals.
In compliance with the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act, reasonable accommodation for students with disability-related needs will be determined on an individual basis taking into consideration the essential skills that must be performed to meet program objectives. Decisions regarding reasonable accommodation will be directed toward maximizing the student's independence while maintaining personal and client dignity and safety.
At Binghamton University we value the success of all of our students, including students who are pregnant and/or parenting. Additional information is available on the Binghamton University's Title IX website or by contacting the University's Title IX coordinator.
NOTE: Contact course coordinators promptly with special needs. DSON requires notification and documentation from Binghamton University's Services for Students with Disabilities Office to meet accommodation requests.
Essential Skills
The following activities are representative of essential skills expected of DSON students beginning with the first semester.
The student will be expected to:
- Provide evidence of annual cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certification at the "professional rescuer" level or equivalent
- Elicit health history from clients
- Position and transfer clients appropriately
- Use correct body mechanics
- Use appropriate handwashing techniques
- Gown, glove and mask appropriately
- Perform sterile technique
- Complete a bed bath, including oral care
- Make an occupied bed
- Perform range of motion for client. (e.g., perform passive exercises)
- Assess pertinent body systems. (e.g., cardiovascular, respiratory, neurological, musculoskeletal)
- Auscultate heart, bowel and breath sounds
- Auscultate vital signs (e.g., pulse, blood pressure)
- Inspect (e.g., skin)
- Palpate (e.g., pulses)
- Percuss (e.g., abdomen)
- Perform procedures ordinarily requiring manual dexterity and precision (e.g., insertion of urinary catheter, manipulation of ophthalmoscope and otoscope)
- Demonstrate focused observational skills in the assessment of body language, territoriality and speech patterns
- Interpret emotions and meanings from client's verbal and nonverbal behaviors accurately
- Communicate empathy through appropriate listening skills
- Give and receive relevant verbal and nonverbal feedback
- Demonstrate the interpersonal and analytical skills necessary to participate actively in all phases of group development
Grievance Policy
The Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences Grievance Policy applies across all Decker College divisions and schools. It includes all Decker College courses, including those cross-listed with other programs/schools that have a Decker College faculty member as the primary instructor.
View the Decker College Appeals Process for Academic Honesty and Grievance Decisions.
Criminal Background Screening and Drug Screening Administrative Policy
DEC. 2024 NOTE: Decker is transitioning to a new medical document management system and will update the information below as soon as possible.
Clinical agencies often require criminal background checks for everyone working in the facility, including students. All DSON students participating in a clinical experience are required by clinical agencies used by the DSON to undergo a criminal background screening and/or drug screening. In addition, some agencies may require more stringent screening than indicated below, including fingerprinting.
The student must submit the results of a criminal background screening conducted by CastleBranch or another approved agency as determined by the DSON (such as federal military clearance) completed within the past calendar year to the DSON. This documentation is due before the start of the semester in accordance with the due dates for all other clinical requirements (health forms, proof of CPR, etc.). The student is responsible for all costs associated with these requirements. The criminal background screening is required annually while attending DSON. Learn more about this process and its costs at CastleBranch.
Results will be disclosed to the agency/clinical site to determine if the student can attend clinical in that facility. Any student who delays, fails or refuses to provide a criminal background screening to the DSON by the due date will be unable to attend clinical, which may result in course failure. Positive criminal background screening results may hinder a student's opportunity for state licensure.
DSON recommends students contact their state board of licensure to clarify concerns regarding licensure. Should a student be convicted of a criminal offense between the first and second background screening, the student must immediately disclose this to the DSON for review with the clinical site, which will determine whether the student will be permitted to continue to participate in clinical. Any such incident may jeopardize the student's enrollment at the University and licensure.
Reports from the criminal background screening will be stored in the student's profile on the Medical Document Manager through CastleBranch. After the student signs a release each year, the DSON will assume responsibility for releasing written verification of a clear criminal background check to the clinical agency. Failure, delay or refusal to sign the release allowing the DSON to provide the results to the agency will prevent the student from attending clinical, which may result in a failure of the course.
All documentation from the criminal background screening reports will be destroyed upon graduation or dismissal from the program.
DISCLAIMER: The criminal background screening procedure does not ensure the security of students, patients, faculty or staff.
Professional Ethics and Academic Honesty Policy
Students are responsible for maintaining the integrity of and holding individual responsibility for their course assignments. Failure to do so is a violation of the academic honesty policies of Binghamton University and Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences.
- Binghamton University's policies on academic integrity and student academic honesty code can be found in the Binghamton University Academic Guide (formerly the Bulletin). This link also allow students to review violation category definitions per the University's academic honesty policies.
- Decker College's Academic Honesty Policy applies across all Decker College divisions and schools and includes all Decker College courses, including those cross-listed with other programs/schools that have a Decker College faculty member as the primary instructor.
- View the Decker College Appeals Process for Academic Honesty and Grievance Desicions.
- Additional information on academic honesty at the University level, including forms, is presented on the University provost's website.
Policy and Procedures for Student Incident Reports
Policy for reporting incidents
All incidents involving a student, specifically a student and patient occurring at
a clinical site during an affiliation, must be reported to the instructor of record
for that experience. An incident is defined as any unusual occurrence, with or without
injury, that interferes with the functioning of the system or the patient, e.g., patient
fall, incorrect procedure, medication administration error/occurrence, exposure to
blood and/or body fluids, delay in treatment.
Incidents that threaten the safety of the patients, students or staff in an agency are reportable to the New York State Department of Health within 24 hours of occurrence. This reporting is the responsibility of the agency in most situations. Each agency will have a policy for such reporting that defines reportable and nonreportable incidents.
Incidents involving students will be investigated by the instructor of record for the affiliation and the results of the investigation and any actions taken will be documented.
Procedure for reporting incidents
- Report the incident promptly to the instructor. If the instructor is not immediately available to the student or there is any evidence of immediate danger for the patient or others, report the incident immediately to the appropriate charge nurse or other supervisor of the unit, agency or system where the incident occurred. Proceed to notify the instructor subsequent to the above action.
- The student, together with the instructor, will complete an incident report (agency form) as soon as possible following the incident. Both the student and instructor will sign the form and forward to the supervisor within the system. Incidents involving patients where there is real or potential injury or untoward effects must be communicated to the attending physician. The decision as to who will communicate with the physician is usually jointly determined by the supervisor in the agency and the instructor. Most often, it is the student with the guidance and support of the instructor.
- Incidents that require additional investigation by the agency must be reported immediately to the instructor of record who in turn reports the incident to the appropriate program coordinator. Should the student be questioned about the incident by the agency staff or any other party after the initial reporting process, the student should decline to respond until the instructor is present.
- In most situations, agency incident reports cannot be photocopied; therefore, the student and instructor will need to write a narrative description of the incident. The description should be sufficiently detailed so as to clearly describe what occurred. A copy of this report should be forwarded directly to the appropriate program coordinator. The report is a confidential document and will be kept in a locked file. It will not become a part of the student's permanent file. (Medication errors may be documented on the Decker incident report form, see #5.)
- In addition to completing a Decker Incident Report form, a University Accident or Injury Reporting form (CS-13 form) must be filed with the University's Environmental Health and Safety Office within three days of the incident.
- In situations where the agency does not view the situation as a reportable incident but faculty/student believe it to be an unusual occurrence, a narrative report must be completed and forwarded as described under #4 above.
Violation of Nursing Standards (VNS) Policy
Approved by Graduate Admissions and Academic Standards Committe, November 2023.
In accordance with the Decker School of Nursing's mission to prepare future providers and managers of care, the Violation of Nursing Standards (VNS) policy requires students to abide by the following rules and regulations while enrolled in the program:
- American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics and the Interpretive Statements (available electronically through Binghamton University Libraries)
- Standards of Practice for Nurse Practitioners
- NYS Board of Nursing Regulation
- Binghamton University Student Handbook and Code of Student Conduct
- ANA Scope and Standard of Practice (available electronically through Binghamton University Libraries)
- Decker School of Nursing graduate student handbooks (all graduate students, DNP, PhD)
- Affiliating agency policies and procedures
- Current federal, state and/or local laws
A violation may be issued any time a student is not compliant with the bulleted items above.
Records of violations are tracked and recorded internally. Immediately following a violation, the VNS report will be completed and submitted by the issuer of the violation. Once a VNS is reported, the student will receive the following to his/her/their official Binghamton University email:
- Description of the violation
- Consequences
- Required remediation instructions, if necessary
- Instructions for submitting comments, acknowledgment of receipt of the VNS letter
Course faculty or administration may require remediation to address the VNS. A student who successfully completes the required remediation may be allowed to continue in the program. If remediation is required, failure to complete the assigned remediation(s) will result in more severe consequences (and may include immediate dismissal).
Despite remediation:
- Three violations in one course will result in course failure.
- Five cumulative violations will result in dismissal from the Decker School of Nursing.
- A single incident that is determined to have produced serious actual/potential harm may also result in dismissal.
- Violations of federal, state and/or local laws will result in a report to law enforcement officers.
- Violations of affiliating agency policies and procedures may result in termination of privileges at the clinical site.
Dismissal from the nursing program as a result of a VNS is final and may be recorded on the student's official Binghamton University transcript.
A student may initiate the Decker College Grievance Policy as a formal appeal process. Future readmission of students severed due to VNS will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Questions about this policy should be directed to the graduate program director.
Code of Ethics for Nurses
The nurse, in all professional relationships, practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth and uniqueness of every individual, unrestricted by considerations of social or economic status, personal attributes or the nature of health problems.
The nurse participates in establishing, maintaining and improving healthcare environments and conditions of employment conducive to the provision of quality healthcare and consistent with the values of the profession through individual and collective action.
The nurse's primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family, group or community.
The nurse participates in the advancement of the profession through contributions to practice, education, administration and knowledge development.
The nurse promotes, advocates for and strives to protect the health, safety and rights of the patient.
The nurse collaborates with other health professionals and the public in promoting community, national and international efforts to meet health needs.
The nurse is responsible and accountable for individual nursing practice and determines the appropriate delegation of tasks consistent with the nurse's obligation to provide optimal patient care.
The profession of nursing, as represented by associations and their members, is responsible for articulating nursing values, for maintaining the integrity of the profession and its practice and for shaping social policy.
The nurse owes the same duties to self as to others, including the responsibility to preserve integrity and safety, to maintain competence, and to continue personal and professional growth.
©2015 American Nurses Association
American Nurses Association Code of Ethics with interpretive statements.
Graduate Uniform Policy
Revised 3/2020, Graduate Admissions and Academic Standards Committee
Decker School of Nursing students are responsible for maintaining professional behavior and appearance. The dress code for Decker School of Nursing students is outlined below. Both clinical (direct patient care) and nonclinical (i.e., clinical preparation, community observations) attire is addressed. Student concerns about any component of this dress code should be discussed with the assigned clinical faculty in advance. Faculty have discretion to determine whether or not a student is in compliance with these policies.
Graduate students are required to follow the uniform policy and any additional dress code regulations of the agency where they are participating in clinical experience(s).
If there are conflicting dress codes, the more restrictive policy applies. Failure to follow the Decker School of Nursing Graduate Uniform Policy and any additional requirement from the clinical agency may result in a VNS and dismissal from the clinical day and thus counted as a clinical absence. The ability to recover that clinical time is not guaranteed and may impact student success in that clinical course.
All graduate nursing students should wear a clean white lab coat (with the Decker logo on the left side) during all clinical experiences except in agencies that do not routinely use lab coats or as determined by the program of study. Contact your clinical preceptor prior to participating in clinical experiences to determine what is most appropriate.
All students must be professionally dressed, which includes no athletic wear such as sweatpants, yoga pants or leggings. All undergarments should not be visible at any time.
Student Services
Advisement Assistance in Program Planning
All graduate students should become familiar with the Binghamton University Academic Guide (formerly the Bulletin), the Graduate School Manual and this Decker School of Nursing Graduate Student Handbook.
Students should seek advisement from their assigned faculty advisor early and as often as necessary.
Students receive a program plan at Orientation before beginning their program of study that identifies part-time or full-time study status. This program plan will remain on file in the Graduate Program Office. All students should follow this program plan to degree completion. Permission to deviate from this program plan is required from the faculty advisor and the director of graduate nursing programs.
Faculty advisors make notations on advisement record forms regarding advisement sessions and the proposed program plan to complete remaining degree requirements. These advisement forms are kept in the student folder. This documentation serves as a record of the student's progress throughout the curriculum for the student, faculty, advisor and program offices, and is used to monitor student completion of program requirements. The student is urged to request a copy of advising notations and of the proposed program plan as developed by the student and assigned faculty advisor.
As a graduate student, petitions for exception to policy may be submitted. (See Petitioning an Academic Regulation in this handbook.)
Each matriculated graduate student is assigned a faculty advisor who works to advise the student on curricular progression throughout their program(s) of study. Nonmatriculated students are encouraged to seek program planning and academic advisement from the director of graduate programs or a professional academic advisor.
In consultation with a faculty advisor, an appropriate program of study is planned for each student. It is important for the student to complete prerequisites for courses as specified and to be aware that certain courses must be taken in sequence or concurrently. Ongoing regular communication with the faculty advisor is strongly encouraged to ensure all requirements for award of degree are completed as appropriately outlined on the program plan. Failure of students to follow the program plan as prescribed may result in a delay of graduation until all degree requirements are completed.
Advanced Practice Certifications
(Nurse practitioner certifications, educational [course] completion verifications and hospital certification requests)
For the initial (i.e., upon the student's graduation) nurse practitioner (NP) certification process after completion of an NP program, DSON submits specific Certification of Professional Education forms as required by New York state (and/or other states, as well as national testing agencies) on behalf of any student who completes an NP program. This is done at no charge to the student. Additional (multiple) certification requests placed by alumni for state and/or national certifications and/or hospital privileges may be assessed a $10 charge per verification/certification. A fee of $25 may be assessed for complicated documentation for hospital privileges or certification. Fees for extensive requests are assessed on a case-by-case basis and at the discretion of the director of graduate nursing.
Decker Student Organizations
Graduate Nursing Student Organization
Graduate students have opportunities to participate in the governance of their student life through membership in the Graduate Student Organization (and through service on Decker School of Nursing standing committees).
The Graduate Nursing Student Organization coordinates program-wide activities and is responsible for the administration of its budgeted allotment from the Binghamton University Graduate Organization. The money received funds outside speakers, conferences and educational materials for graduate student enhancement.
Sigma Theta Tau International
Zeta Iota Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International, the international honor society of nursing, recognizes superior academic achievement, academic integrity, professional leadership potential and/or marked achievement in the field of nursing.
The purposes of the chapter are to:
- Recognize superior achievement
- Recognize the development of leadership qualities
- Foster high professional standards
- Encourage creative work
- Strengthen commitment to the ideals and purposes of the profession
Eligibility for membership in the Zeta Iota Chapter is by invitation (see below for criteria). Inductions are held during the academic year. An invitation to become a member of the nursing honor society is a distinct honor and a privilege.
- Undergraduate students who have completed at least one-half of the courses in the nursing major and have a grade point average of 3.0 and rank in the highest 35% of the senior class qualify for invitation to membership.
- Graduate students (master's and doctoral) must have completed one-fourth of the nursing curriculum; achieved academic excellence (at schools where a 4.0 grade point average system is used, this equates to a 3.5 or higher); and meet the expectation of academic integrity.
The Binghamton Nursing Honor Society was founded April 26, 1980. It became a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International April 24, 1982.
Graduate Nursing Student Policies and Requirements
Petitioning an Academic Regulation
A student may petition for an exception to a policy or requirement by completing the Petition for Exceptions to Academic Policies form. A committee will decide outcomes of student petitions for exceptions to education policy. Appeals of petitions denied by the committee are made to the dean of Decker College.
The petition form should include all relevant information regarding the situation, why the student wants to petition for an exception to policy and what outcome the student is seeking. Students may use this petition to request changes in academic load, major or program; to take a course without a prerequisite; or to petition other policies.
Students should not use this form to petition for the following:
Process for petitioning
- Students should discuss their situation with their assigned faculty advisor (and instructor/instructors if applicable) or the Decker Division of Advising and Academic Excellence.
- If the situation indicates the need for a policy exception, the student must complete the Petition for Exceptions to Academic Policies form. Students should read the form carefully and fill it out completely. Describe the request for exception and give reasons for making the request. Send via email to the committee chair the following: appropriate supporting documents such as catalog course descriptions, course outline or syllabus, letters from instructors or department chairpersons, supporting statements from advisors or instructors, or any additional information that will help committee members decide how best to meet the educational interests of the student. Students will be notified if the petition is unclear or has insufficient information.
- Students will receive a decision regarding their petition within 15 business days
after the committee receives the petition. All voting members of the committee will
vote on petitions electronically. The chair of the committee will send notification
of the petition to the committee members. Voting members will vote and include rationale
for the vote within 10 business days of receiving the petition; there will then be
another five business days before the final vote is tallied. The student will be notified
of the petition decision via email.
- If a petition is deemed to require additional discussion, it will be reviewed at the next scheduled committee meeting.
- Students should consult the Division of Advising and Academic Excellence for information on committee meeting dates, the name of the chair of the committee or if they have questions about the petition process.
Student Request to Change Program Role or Specialization
Students must submit a Decker Petition for Exceptions to Graduate Decker Policies form to request a change in program role or specialization. Students must submit the petition 90 days prior to the first day of the next semester and indicate the reason(s) for requesting a role or specialization change. Petitions will be reviewed by the appropriate program coordinators, the Office of Clinical Placement and the graduate program director within 30 days. Students will be notified of the final decision by the chair of the Admissions and Academic Standards Committee. No consideration for program change will be granted when the request is made for the semester in which the student is currently enrolled. Submission of a request does not automatically result in approval. (Initiated by GAAS 2/22/21; approved by DNP Committee 3/10/21; approved by MS Committee 3/08/21; Revised 3/12/21)
Academic Load/Progression Level
(full-time versus part-time program enrollment)
Students are admitted as part-time or full-time matriculated students when beginning their program of study at the Decker School of Nursing. See the Full-Time Working Toward Degree Status policy in the Binghamton University Academic Guide. Permission is required to change from part-time to full-time OR from full-time to part-time. Students wishing to change their academic load status should consult with their faculty advisor and then must complete the Petition for Exceptions to Academic Policies form.
Registration/Course Add, Drop, Withdraw
The University's Office of Student Records and Registrar Services requires that all University students meet registration-related deadlines. See the current add/drop/withdraw deadlines. Official policies and procedures related to registration are presented in the Graduate School Manual.
Although the DSON Graduate Programs Office assists students when questions arise, it is ultimately the student's responsibility to verify they are registered for the appropriate courses each semester to ensure appropriate progression to award of degree is maintained.
Continuous Registration and Leave of Absence
Binghamton University's official policy regarding continuous registration and leave of absence is presented in the Graduate School Manual.
Continuous registration
All students who have been admitted into a degree-granting program must maintain continuous registration each major semester (fall and spring) for a minimum of one credit hour.
Students who have begun a semester and then find they cannot finish that semester should officially withdraw from their courses (see the University Registrar's withdrawal webpage). Readmission is not automatic. Students who are readmitted are required to register and pay for one credit for each semester they have not registered, plus one credit for the semester they re-enter, up to a maximum of four credits.
Students who wish to enroll in one credit of continuous registration (NURS 700) should discuss this with their faculty advisor. Students should then contact the Graduate Nursing Program Office for assistance in registering for NURS 700.
Leave of absence
Binghamton University's official policy regarding continuous registration and leave of absence is presented in the Graduate School Manual.
A leave of absence is granted only in exceptional circumstances, such as prolonged illness or other unusual personal hardship, and requires detailed justification. Students on leave are excused from the registration requirement during the period of the leave. Leaves are normally granted for six months; if necessary, an extension of another six months, for a total of up to one year, may be approved. If possible, requests for leaves of absence should be submitted one month prior to the semester for which the leave is requested.
Students requesting a leave of absence should:
- Consult with their faculty advisors and program coordinator
- Complete the Application for Graduate Student Leave of Absence and submit it to their program coordinator/director
When a leave of absence is granted, the period of leave of absence is not counted against the time limitation for completing a degree. During the period of leave of absence, students are not eligible to participate in the student insurance plan.
Students must be registered during the semester their degree requirements are completed.
Grade of Incomplete
Binghamton University's official policy regarding Incomplete (I) grades is presented in the Graduate School Manual.
The Request for extensions of Incomplete Grades form (available on the Registrar's website) requires the approval of the course instructor and the dean of the Graduate School or his/her designee.
The DSON requires that an internal DSON Incomplete Contract between student and faculty member be drawn up to identify the remaining course objectives to be completed and a deadline by which the work is to be submitted to the instructor for grading. Incomplete Contract forms are available in the Graduate Nursing Program Office, HSB-315.
The Incomplete Contract will help the student and faculty member avoid the student's grade of Incomplete changing to a grade of NC or No Credit — an action that will automatically transpire via Banner when a faculty member does not enter a letter grade in place of the grade of Incomplete within the normal grading period after semester classes are over. Once an Incomplete grade has changed to a grade of NC, the student has no further opportunity to complete the course and the course will appear on the final transcript as No Credit. The Incomplete Contract is also used to monitor student progress in completion of coursework and the degree and/or certificate.
Incomplete and missing grades must be resolved before students can receive a graduate degree. Because students are using University resources and services, students must be registered in the term for which the Incomplete grade is converted to a grade.
See Binghamton University's official Graduate School policy on withdrawals and the University Registrar's official policy on withdrawal and related information.
Prior to withdrawing from the Decker School of Nursing, the student must obtain approval from his/her/their program coordinator and the graduate program director.
See Binghamton University's official Graduate School policy on continuous registration for penalties that result from failure to maintain continuous registration.
See Binghamton University’s official Graduate School policy on readmission.
NOTE: Students applying for readmission must pay a new application, fee as well as additional fees for prior semesters missed between enrollment.
Preparation of Written Assignments for Nursing Courses
Students in nursing courses are required to type all written assignments unless specifically advised otherwise. It is assumed that students begin the nursing major with strong writing skills. In addition, the school has adopted the use of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, latest edition. All papers must be submitted using APA format.
Policy regarding MS synthesis assignment
If a general examination is required for the student's master's degree, the dean,
chair or director of graduate programs appoints an examination committee. The examination
committee consists of at least three faculty, one of whom is normally the principal
advisor. The examination may be written or oral, or a combination of both. The decision
for pass or fail shall be by majority vote of the examiners.
Master's synthesizing assignments will be graded by a committee of DSON faculty that consists of a chairperson and a committee person, both of whom are Decker graduate faculty members. Papers will be independently graded by both faculty using the DSON grading rubric provided to students. Students must achieve a grade of 83 or higher on the paper as determined by both faculty.
Students who are not successful on the first attempt may repeat the paper for a second attempt after receiving feedback from both faculty members. This feedback will be documented and reviewed verbally with the student, chairperson and committee member.
Failure to achieve a score of 83 or higher on the second attempt will be considered a failure of the assignment and will be referred to the graduate program director for confirmation within two weeks. If the graduate program director confirms a grade of less than 83, the graduate program director, chairperson and committee member will meet to identify and verify specific content areas where synthesis of graduate nursing concepts and clinical competency were not demonstrated in the assignment. A plan for remediation may be offered that could include repeating specific graduate courses and/or additional supervised clinical hours to support the student's clinical competency and academic success. Failure to participate in required remediation will result in severance from the program.
Course Transfer Policy
See Binghamton University's policy regarding transfer of credit in the Binghamton University Academic Guide (formerly the Bulletin) and Decker College's Transfer of Credit Policy in that same document.
Request for course transfer must be submitted using the Transfer of Credit form, which requires uploading course syllabi and official transcripts. Once a graduate student is fully matriculated in a DSON graduate program of study, credits will not be considered for transfer.
Transfer of credits pertaining to advanced health assessment
Transcript evaluation of all incoming students will be completed prior to admission and registration. Situations where students will need to register for NURS 504: Advanced Health Assessment Practicum will be determined on an individual, case-by-case basis. If an advanced health assessment course was taken more than five years prior and the student has not been in clinical practice as an APRN in the last 12 months, the student will be required to register for NURS 502: Concepts in Health Assessment for Nurses in Advanced Clinical Practice. Additionally, if a previous advanced health assessment course was in a population-specific area only (for example, pediatrics, health assessment of women, adult assessment) the student will need to register for NURS 502.
Grading System of the Graduate School and the Decker School of Nursing
See Binghamton University's official Graduate School Grading Policy in the Graduate School Manual.
For the purpose of computing semester or cumulative averages, each letter grade is assigned a quality point value as follows:
A = 4.0 | B = 3.0 | C = 2.0 |
A- = 3.7 | B- = 2.7 | C- = 1.7 |
B+ = 3.3 | C+ = 2.3 | F = 0 |
Numerical equivalents of the assigned letter grade that are traditionally used in the graduate program are:
- A = 93–100
- A- = 90–92
- B+ = 87–89
- B = 83–86
- B- = 80–82
- C+ = 77–79
- C = 73–76
- C- = 70–72
- F = Below 60
These letter grade values are combined with course credit hours to produce an average. A cumulative average of 3.0 is required for graduation and to be considered in good standing in the Graduate School.
Students who drop a nursing course after the drop deadline will be assigned a grade of W (withdrawn) that will appear on the official academic transcript.
Students may repeat courses in which they received a grade of B- or lower with approval of the DSON graduate program director and the Graduate School. See the official Course Repeat Policy in the Graduate School Manual.
The following requirements must also be met by students enrolled in the master's of science in nursing, doctor of nursing practice (DNP) and post-graduate certificate programs of the Decker School:
- The Decker School will require a grade of B (= numerical grade of 83) or better in all courses required by their nursing program of study. See the official Course Repeat Policy in the Graduate School Manual. When a course is repeated, the grade received in the second attempt is substituted for the first in the computation of the student's grade-point average and in the awarding of credit. However, the first grade remains on the student transcript.
- In every course that has a clinical component, students must pass both didactic and clinical components of the course.
Graduate Exam Review Policy
Examinations, papers and other projects should be graded within a reasonable time. The Decker faculty recognizes that the opportunity to review exams is part of the learning process. Feedback may be provided through group or individual meetings for students who wish to meet. Feedback may also be posted in the course as a document that addresses concepts in need of review. To protect the integrity of exams taken through the ExamSoft program, students may not view their actual exams or exam questions during the exam review. Faculty may provide explanations identifying rationale for correct answers or concepts missed on the exam to enhance learning. For quizzes, exams and projects completed outside of ExamSoft, it is expected that comments and corrections will be explained to students who seek explanations. The method for feedback will be at the discretion of the faculty member. All meetings will be scheduled at a time that meets both faculty and student availability. To allow a means of evaluating the work of students who ask that a grade be reviewed, instructor's grade records, test scores, syllabi and all other records pertaining to the course should be kept for two years, and graded work not returned to students should be kept for one year after course completion, in accordance with SUNY's specific record retention policy. (Initiated by GAAS 2/22/21; approved by DNP Committee 3/10/21; approved by MS Committee 3/08/21)
Requirements for Graduation
In addition to the general policies of the Graduate School, the following are requirements that must be met by students in DSON graduate programs:
- Students must have a final cumulative grade-point average of 3.0 in those courses required for their program in nursing. However, MS in nursing, DNP and post-graduate certificate students must additionally have earned a grade of B or better in every required course for their degree program per the DSON Grading Policy.
- Successful completion of a master's synthesis experience is required for completion
of the master's program. All master's degree students complete a paper or a project
as a final synthesizing experience and as part of course requirements. Students are
encouraged to examine and make decisions regarding these options early in their programs. Students
who do not timely submit the MS capstone synthesis experience paper by the indicated
deadline will be assigned a new topic by the grading faculty member. The student will
subsequently be required to sit the exam on site with an eight-hour time limit for
completion and submission. There will be no retakes. The student's eligibility to
graduate will be determined by pass or fail of this exam.
- MS students may alternatively elect to complete a MS thesis to fulfill the MS synthesis experience requirement. Students register for an independent study course through the DSON Graduate Program Office when electing to complete a MS thesis. Credits earned by completing a thesis may be used to satisfy elective credit requirements. Students planning to pursue a PhD in nursing are encouraged to consider the MS thesis option. Thesis guidelines are found in the Graduate School Manual. Students selecting the thesis option must seek advisement from their faculty advisor one year prior to graduation.
- Students enrolled in the master's program are expected to complete degree requirements within five years.
- Successful completion of a DNP Scholarly Project is required for completion of the DNP program. See the DSON's DNP Handbook for details.
- See applicable graduation policies and procedures in Binghamton University's Graduate School Manual.
Probation Policy of the Graduate School
See Binghamton University's official Graduate School policy on probation.
Expectations Regarding Computer Literacy
All DSON graduate students are expected to have a level of computer literacy before they begin graduate study. The expectation for literacy is defined in the following list of expected competencies.
The student will:
- Understand Windows or an equivalent operating system so the student can save and copy files with ease
- Use basic computer applications such as word processing software applications (e.g., Microsoft Word), spread sheet applications (e.g., Excel) and email programs
- Be fairly competent in keyboard skills
Students are not asked to document or demonstrate these skills prior to admission; however, students who do not have these skills will be at a great disadvantage in courses where these skills are required. Instructors are not responsible for providing remediation of these skills.
Several options are available to students who need to develop these skills:
- Workshops are available on Binghamton's campus and may also be available in local areas. Contact Binghamton University's Information Technology Services for information.
- Formal computer coursework is not necessary. Students often find it helpful to ask friends and family who are familiar with word processing and internet searching for assistance.
- The Decker School of Nursing has some software available that provides self-learning. Contact the Kresge Center for Nursing Research for availability.
Questions about this should be directed to the DSON Graduate Programs Office.
Declaration of Candidacy
(Binghamton University and Decker School of Nursing)
At the beginning of the semester in which a student intends to graduate, the student must complete the Graduate Application for Degree form(s). These forms must be completed by the University deadline to ensure the student's name will be in the Commencement program and that the student receives important Commencement information in a timely manner. A cumulative average of at least 3.0 is required for a graduate degree. See Grading Policy.
Independent Study Guidelines
Independent study enables students to study a definitive area in depth under the direction of faculty members. Students engaged in independent study are responsible for their own learning within the guidelines of the learning contract established with the supervising faculty member. Independent study can be counted as elective credit and may, with the graduate program director's approval, be used in place of a regular course. Extenuating circumstances must be validated by the program director to accommodate a request to use an independent study in place of a normal course offering. The grade option (normal letter grade versus pass/fail) for independent study is determined by the faculty member in consultation with the student.
Students who wish to pursue independent study should use the following procedures:
- Meet with faculty who have expertise in the area to be studied to determine faculty willingness to supervise
- Obtain an Independent Study form from the Graduate Program Office and request that the faculty supervisor sign it
- Return the signed form to the Graduate Program Office to complete the registration procedure
- Establish the learning contract with the faculty supervisor, including objectives, work plan and evaluation procedures
If the independent study involves a clinical component, the following procedures should be followed in addition to those previously stated:
- Clinical placement must be facilitated through the clinical site coordinator in consideration of the goals and objectives of the independent study
- The student and faculty supervisor will articulate in writing the learning objectives and evaluation procedure(s) to the clinical preceptor before the student's initial clinical experience for the independent study
- The student and faculty supervisor must confer with the clinical preceptor on a regular basis to discuss the student's clinical performance and progress toward fulfilling the objectives
- The assistant in the Graduate Program Office must be notified at the time of registration when an independent study has a clinical component so the appropriate malpractice and liability insurance fee is attached to the course, providing required coverage
Nurse Practitioner NYS Prescribing Requirement
Nurse practitioner students are required to complete the Prescribing Information for Nurse Practitioners and Midwives or Prescriptions and Record Keeping continuing education courses in New York state prior to taking the NP role I course. There is a fee to complete this New York state requirement, resulting in two continuing education contact hours upon successful completion. Students are required to upload a copy of the evidence of completion into Typhon in the field entitled, "NY State Prescription Writing Exam Completion." Nurse educators and administrators are not required to complete this requirement.
Clinical Placements
Clinical placements must be made through the DSON clinical site coordinator. Requests for specific preceptors can be made, however, may not always be available. Students may identify a specific site to the Clinical Placement Office. The site and preceptor must be evaluated for clinical appropriateness by the clinical site coordinator.
In some clinical courses, student preference of clinical site may be considered. Students will not be placed for an educational clinical experience at their work site or where they have direct supervisory responsibilities, with his/her own personal care provider or with a relative or significant other. Such a situation often contributes to role confusion and the potential for a conflict of interest. In health organizations with multiple sites, a placement at a site other than the student's actual work site within the employing organization may be considered and will be done at the discretion of DSON faculty. The DSON reserves the right to make final clinical placements based upon student, course, preceptor, agency and DSON needs.
Graduate Nursing Student Financial Aid, Scholarships and Funding
Financial Assistance
The Decker School of Nursing has a limited number of teaching, graduate and research assistantships. Teaching assistantships require full-time enrollment and may provide partial tuition scholarships. Activities involve assisting faculty in teaching and research. See the DSON Tuition and Funding webpage, including the application requirements to be considered.
Some professional nurse traineeships, with monies allocated by the Division of Nursing, Department of Health and Human Services, may also be available. Traineeship awards require full-time enrollment and may include a tuition scholarship. Other fellowships may be available.
Students who request financial assistance are responsible for completing and returning application forms on an annual basis. Decisions are made early in the summer as soon as all necessary information about financial support has been received.
The acceptance of financial assistance, in the form of an assistantship or traineeship, is regarded as a contract between the DSON and the student. Any changes require mutual consent and should be considered only in extreme circumstances. Students who do not maintain appropriate enrollment during the semester will incur a debt to the University in the form of tuition payback. Therefore, the decision to drop all or part of the coursework must be made after careful thought as students may incur a debt equal to the total cost of tuition for the semester.
To be eligible for funding, a student cannot have any Incomplete grades. Any Incomplete grades must be replaced by a letter grade before the start of each semester.
Procedures for Initiating Fellowships, Assistantships and Traineeships
All students awarded financial assistance for a fellowship, assistantship or traineeship:
- Must return all necessary forms completed and signed to the Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences Dean's Office (in the Health Sciences Building in Johnson City).
- Must report to the Binghamton University Graduate School Office (in Couper Administration Building on the Vestal campus), within the first two weeks of every semester to complete all necessary payroll forms.
- Must report to the Sponsored Fund Payroll Office (in the Biotechnology Building on the ITC campus) (traineeship and grant funded TA/GA) to complete necessary payroll forms.
Failure to complete these procedures may result in a loss of stipend and/or tuition assistance.
Information about other forms of financial assistance is available in the DSON Graduate Program Office and the Office of Financial Aid Services.
A limited amount of scholarship funding is available directly through the DSON. These include the Decker Foundation, alumni and other scholarships. Each award has different requirements for eligibility. Applications are available in spring semesters (usually mid- to late-March) and decisions are made during the summer. Students must be matriculated to be eligible for these scholarships. See the DSON Tuition and Funding webpage for more information.
Research Funding
There are sources of funding for graduate students in the Decker School of Nursing who wish to complete a research project.
Sigma Theta Tau
The local chapter of Sigma Theta Tau (Zeta Iota) may support the research of its members. Sigma Theta Tau applications are available by contacting one of the officers of the chapter. Applications are accepted twice a year. Applications are reviewed and funds approved by the Zeta Iota Chapter Research Committee.
Other sources of funds to support theses are available through community groups and agencies. For assistance locating possible funding sources, speak with staff in the DSON Graduate Program Office or Kresge Center for Nursing Research or the chairperson of your thesis/dissertation committee.
Graduate Nursing Program Curricula
Program Outcomes
Program outcomes are presented on the Graduate Nursing Program Outcomes webpage.
Master's Programs of Study
The DSON offers a program leading to a Master of Science (MS) degree, which prepares bachelor-prepared nurses to pursue careers as nurse administrators or nurse educators in either adult-gerontology primary care nursing or community health primary care nursing. See the MS program webpage.
Interprofessional Education
In 2017, Binghamton University's Decker School of Nursing, School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences and College of Community and Public Affairs began an interprofessional education program to prepare graduates to be integral members of healthcare teams. The Collegiate Commission of Nursing Education and the Institute of Medicine strongly encourage that advanced practice nurses receive this content during graduate-level education.
Beginning in fall 2017, all full-time family nurse practitioner and adult gerontology nurse practitioner students are required to complete assignments in healthcare delivery (NURS 532) with pharmacy, social work and master of public health (MPH) students. In the subsequent semester, foundations of interprofessional communications are included in FNP specialization I (NURS 521) and A/G I (NURS 511) courses.
Family Nursing
This clinical focus prepares the nurse as an expert in family-centered healthcare family nursing. Graduates are able to assess the health status of client families; provide expert nursing care; coordinate the care given by others; and assume leadership, consultative and teaching roles with clients and other health personnel. Research skills are used in the analysis and evaluation of nursing practice. All students must complete core courses that address nursing theory, health assessment, nursing research, professional issues and the healthcare delivery system. The curriculum is enriched by support courses as well as electives. The clinical focus is family nursing, where the family is viewed as a unit that both affects and is affected by its members.
Students are urged to pursue personal and professional goals through their electives, and some opportunity exists for concentration in a specific phase of the life cycle.
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students in the family nursing (primary care) specialty may select the functional role of nurse practitioner.
Graduates of the Family NP program will be eligible to apply for New York state licensure as a family nurse practitioner. They will also be eligible for national certification as a family nurse practitioner through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program (AANPCP).
Family Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing
Graduates of the program in family psychiatric mental health nursing are prepared to provide comprehensive, client-centered mental health care to individuals, families and groups across the lifespan. Students acquire in-depth knowledge in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of mental illness, as well as the promotion of mental health.
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students in the family psychiatric mental health nursing specialty may pursue the functional role of nurse practitioner.
Graduates of the Family Psychiatric Mental Health NP program will be eligible to apply for New York state licensure as a psychiatric nurse practitioner. They will also be eligible for national certification as a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner (across the lifespan) through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program (AANPCP).
Community Health Primary Care Nursing (Family with a Community Health emphasis)
Graduates of this program are committed to aiding the community to achieve optimal health. Graduates are able to assess and diagnose actual and potential health problems of the community; work with families, groups and communities; and assume provider, consultative, leadership, facilitative and evaluative roles with the community. In addition, graduates are able to apply sociocultural, public health, epidemiological and advanced nursing theory to the care of families, groups and communities. Research skills are used in the analysis and evaluation of nursing practice. All graduates must complete core courses that address nursing theory, family theory, health assessment, nursing research, professional issues and the healthcare delivery system. Support and elective courses enrich the program.
Students in the Master of Science (MS) programs in the community health (primary care) specialty may select a functional role as a nurse administrator or nurse educator. Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) students in the community health (primary care) specialty may select the functional role of nurse practitioner.
Graduates of the Community Health Primary Care NP program will be eligible to apply for New York state licensure as a community health primary care nurse practitioner. They will also be eligible for national certification as a family nurse practitioner through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program (AANPCP).
Adult-Gerontological Primary Care Nursing
The population focus of adult-gerontology encompasses the young adult through the older adult, including the frail elderly. Thus, nurses educated and certified in the adult-gerontology population are educated and certified across both areas of practice — adult and gerontology. Graduates of this program are prepared to provide advanced nursing care to persons in primary, secondary and tertiary care settings. The program in adult-gerontological nursing provides students with an in-depth understanding of health and illness in the adult and older adult populations. They are prepared to provide advanced nursing care to well adults/elders, acutely and chronically ill adults/elders, and frail older persons in community or institutional settings.
Students in the Master of Science (MS) programs in the adult-gerontology (primary care) specialty may select a functional role as a nurse administrator or nurse educator. Students in the Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs in the adult-gerontology (primary care) specialty may select a functional role as a nurse practitioner or clinical nurse specialist.
Graduates of the Adult Gerontological Primary Care NP program will be eligible to apply for New York state licensure as an adult gerontological primary care nurse practitioner. They will also be eligible for national certification as an adult gerontological primary care nurse practitioner through the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Certification Program (AANPCP).
Certificate in Nursing Education
Review the program webpage for the Certificate in Nursing Education.
Certificate in Disaster Management
Review the program webpage for the Certificate in Disaster Management.
Certificate in Forensic Health
Review the program webpage for the Certificate in Forensic Health.
Organization of the Curriculum
Course-specific program plans vary depending upon the student's choice of clinical and role preparation. To assure that students are on track for completing all program requirements, it is essential that students meet with their assigned faculty advisor at least once per semester. Sample curriculum plans are posted on the individual program webpages.
Core courses
Essential core courses for all advanced practice nursing programs include:
- NURS 502: Concepts in Health Assessment for Nurses in Advanced Clinical Practice
- NURS 518: Advanced Physiology and Pathophysiology Across the Life Span
- NURS 519: Advanced Pharmacology
Comparable courses may be considered for transfer prior to full matriculation into a Decker School of Nursing graduate program of study using the process described in the transfer/waiver of credit procedure. A transfer/waiver of credit request must be completed for evaluation by the appropriate program coordinator or graduate program director.
Graduate students may transfer in a maximum of two of these core courses (NURS 502, NURS 518, NURS 519) and at least one of these courses must be completed in the Decker School of Nursing graduate program. If a graduate nursing student completed an advanced health assessment course more than 5 years prior and the student has not been in clinical practice as an APRN in the last 12 months, the student will be required to register for NURS 502.
NURS 504: Advanced Health Assessment Practicum
The following students will be required to complete NURS 504: Advanced Health Assessment Practicum:
- Students who completed NURS 502: Concepts in Health Assessment for Nurses in Advanced Clinical Practice more than 12 months prior to the first clinical experience will be required to register for NURS 504 for 1 credit as a refresher to advanced health assessment skills.
- Students who previously completed a population-specific advanced health assessment
course that did not provide across the life span content will be required to register
for NURS 504.
- Students who previously completed an advanced health assessment course for pediatrics only will be required to complete 2 credits of NURS 504 to provide assessment skills for the adult population.
- Students who previously completed an advanced health assessment course for adults only will be required to complete 1 credit of NURS 504 to provide assessment skills for the newborn, pediatric and adolescent populations.
Policies regarding health assessment courses for students in clinical practice
Before they can enroll in any of the four courses listed below, students must have passed NURS 502: Concepts in Health Assessment for Nurses in Advanced Clinical Practice in the prior semester. (For example, if a student wishes to enroll in NURS 553 in spring 2024, the student must have passed NURS 502 in fall 2023.)
- NURS 553: Family NP Role I
- NURS 521: Nursing Family Practice I
- NURS 511: Adult-Gerontological Nursing I
- NURS 514: Adult-Gerontological NP Role I
If NURS 502 was taken more than one semester previously, students are required to register for NURS 504: Advanced Health Assessment Practicum to demonstrate advanced clinical assessment skills.
Students should check the current course schedule or check with their faculty advisor each semester to determine what elective offerings will be available. Additional graduate elective courses in related fields are available throughout the University.
Prerequisites or Corequisites
Many courses in the program have prerequisite or corequisite requirements. For that reason, it is important that you meet with a professional academic advisor every semester to ensure your program plan is appropriate. Course descriptions found in the Binghamton University Academic Guide will assist you in planning, as they list the particular corequisites and/or prerequisites for each course offered in the DSON.
Additionally, clinical and role courses are required to be taken sequentially. (For example, these clinical courses would be taken in this order: NURS 521 Nursing in Family Practice I, before NURS 522 Nursing in Family Practice II, before NURS 596 Nursing in Family Practice III. These role courses would be taken in this order: NURS 553 Functional Role I Nurse Practitioner, before NURS 554 Functional Role II Nurse Practitioner, before NURS 555 Functional Role III Nurse Practitioner.)
It is also optimal to take clinical and role courses paired together (for example, NURS 521 Nursing in Family Practice I and NURS 553 Functional Role I Nurse Practitioner). When clinical and role courses cannot be taken together in the same semester, the clinical courses must be taken before the role courses (for example, NURS 521 must be completed before NURS 553).
See a professional academic advisor each semester to avoid delay in your educational program. Students wishing to request permission to take a course without the necessary pre- or co-requisite must complete the Petition for Exceptions to Academic Policies form.
Students have the option of writing a thesis as an elective. When the thesis option is chosen, the specific procedure outlined below should be followed. See the Thesis and Dissertation Preparation and Completion policy in the Binghamton University Academic Guide for details.
- The process of thesis begins when the student makes an appointment with the graduate program director to discuss the topic and feasibility of doing a thesis. Since the thesis becomes a part of the student's graduate program, thesis planning needs to begin as the student gathers interest in the activity. Students selecting the thesis option must seek advisement from their faculty advisor one year prior to graduation.
- The director of the graduate program will suggest faculty members who might constitute the committee.
- The director of the graduate program will appoint the committee after meeting with the student and appropriate faculty.
- Faculty sign a thesis committee agreement constituting commitment to serve.
- Students should review the Binghamton University Graduate School thesis guidelines.
Master's Synthesis Experience Project
See the Academic Guide for details; full details will be provided in the specialization courses.