Research Techniques and Protocols
- Field biology
- Experimental design
- Phenotyping
- DNA & RNA extraction
- Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)
- Gel electrophoresis
- Quantitative PCR
- Sequence analysis and phylogenetics
- Data analysis and biostatistics with R
Lab Equipment
- Centrifuge
- ThermoMixer
- BeadBeater
- Thermocycler
- Electrophoresis equipment
- Calipers
- Balance
- Pots and trays for planting
- Conviron
Key Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Lowe W.H., Kovach R.P., Allendorf F.W. (2017). Population Genetics and Demography Unite Ecology and Evolution. Trends in Ecology and Evolution.
- Rodríguez‐Verdugo A., Buckley J., Stapley J. (2017). The genomic basis of Eco-evolutionary dynamics. Molecular Ecology.
- Carrol S.P., Hendry A.P., Reznick D.N., Fox C.W. (2007). Evolution on Ecological time-scales. Functional Ecology.
- Otto S.P. (2018). Adaptation, speciation and Extinction in the Anthropocene. Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Additional Resources