Quick Links
- Communication in Theatre Department
- Feedback Form
- All Courses Offered in Theatre
- Undergraduate Theatre Major Requirements
- Undergraduate Theatre Minor Requirements
- Undergraduate BFA Musical Theatre Requirements
- Jury Requirements (Musical Theatre BFA)
- Practica (Undergrad)
- Production Photo Gallery
- Shops, Stages and Studios
- Theatre Department Production Handbook
- Virtual Theatre Office (Forms, handbooks, etc)
- Theater Space Reservation instructions
- Theater Collection 2024 Fall Schedule
- Backstage and Design Opportunities
Student Representatives
Every year, Theatre students will elect two undergraduate representatives and one graduate student representative to attend Department Faculty/Staff meetings. They are given the opportunity to raise issues, make suggestions, and convey student concerns on topics addressed during the meetings.
The student representatives are:
- Undergraduate:
- Lydia Korneffel lkornef1@binghamton.edu
- Niamh McCarthy nmccart2@binghamton.edu
- Sydney Perez sperez10@binghamton.edu
- Graduate:
- Abdul Razak Mohammed (Zak) amohammed4@binghamton.edu
The student representatives play an important role within the department. They are the liaison between students and faculty/department administration. The Chair relies on them to provide feedback from the majors and minors regarding any issues within the department. Students are encouraged to contact student representatives to bring topics of concern to full faculty/staff meetings.
Department Chair/Undergrad Director
Students are encouraged to meet Barbara Wolfe
Please email her at bwolfe@binghamton.edu to set an appointment.
Graduate Director
Graduate students work with Andrew Walkling
For registration and degree inquiries, you may email him at walkling@binghamton.edu to set an appointment.
Area Heads
The Theatre Department has designated area heads within our concentrations. These faculty members oversee these departments, in relation to classes and productions. Students may contact each of these individuals if they have ideas or concerns in these areas:
Acting/Directing: Anne Brady
Dance: David Wynen
Design & Technical Theater: Laura Fine Hawkes
Musical Theatre: Tommy Iafrate
Theatre Criticism, History and Theory: David Bisaha
Studio & Open Season: Elizabeth Mozer
All majors are assigned a faculty advisor in their area of study by the end of their first year. Students are encouraged to speak with their direct faculty advisors for academic advice and post-graduate planning.
Urgent Department Issues
If there is an urgent concern that involves a faculty or staff member, students may contact Barbara Wolfe, as a first step (bwolfe@binghamton.edu). It is helpful for her to know students’ concerns firsthand and offer further options for resolution or next steps to take towards resolution. Students may choose to have these conversations kept confidential, except for mandated report items i.e. physical/personal harm and safety.
Anonymous Reporting
We offer a Feedback Form for the Theatre Department. This is a general purpose feedback form where students, faculty, and staff may submit feedback (kudos, concerns, incidents and/or ideas) to the department chair. This feedback can relate to production, classes, and general activity within the department. This is open to anyone who is a major, minor, or student in a production or a class.
This form can be submitted anonymously or confidentially. If you wish for someone to get in touch with you about your feedback, please submit your email address. The form can be used for anything from suggestions/requests to serious problems. The report will not include an originating email address and is only seen by the department chair.
Binghamton Campus Resources
University Ombudsman
When something arises that can’t go through the above channels, The Office of the Ombudsman is a safe place to voice your concerns, evaluate your situation, organize your thoughts, and identify your options. The office operates with strict confidentiality and keeps no records identifying visitors. Everyone has the option to speak with the Ombudsman on campus. It can be a good first step if you don't know where else to turn or how to proceed.
To make an appointment, call 607-777-2388 to request appointments. If there is no answer, please leave a voicemail with your name and phone number. You can also contact Shanté Riley at rileys@binghamton.edu - do not include details about the concern, including bcc's, cc's or forwards pertaining to the concern. Learn more about the Office of the Ombudsman
The CARE Team
CARE (Consultation, Advocacy, Referral and Education) works to educate and inform members of the Binghamton University community through caring, advocacy and supportive endeavors.
You might contact a case manager because you are or know a student who is:
- behaving in a way that concerns you
- experiencing difficulty beyond their ability to cope
- missing
- experiencing a family emergency or death of a family member
Office of Interpersonal Violence Prevention (IVP)
IVP at Binghamton University works to reduce instances of and the traumatic impact of interpersonal violence across its community through education, coordination, treatment and linking students with information and resources. The services are available to provide support to the Binghamton University community, survivors and/or their friends, parents and family members.
Violence, Abuse and Rape Crisis Center
The Violence, Abuse and Rape Crisis Center (VARCC) is open. A formal opening will be held in April during Sexual Assault Prevention Month. The VARCC is located on the third floor of Old Johnson Hall, and will serve as a private location for students who would like to report an incident of interpersonal violence, a co-location of services, and a healing space for victims of sexual violence. The VARCC can be reached at empower@binghamton.edu or 607-777-3010. It is open from 1-5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, and from 1-8 p.m. Thursdays.
Office of Student Conduct
The Office of Student Conduct seeks to work collaboratively with other departments to create a safe, secure and civil environment where learning, growth and development can take place both inside and outside of the classroom.
Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Binghamton University, in its continuing effort to seek equity in education and employment and consistent with federal and state anti‐discrimination legislation, has adopted a complaint procedure (outlined in the State University of New York Discrimination Complaint Procedure) for the prompt and equitable investigation and resolution of allegations of unlawful discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, disability, veteran status or marital status. Harassment on the basis of any of the above‐protected categories is one form of unlawful discrimination. Learn more about polices and procedures regarding discrimination.
Confidential Resources
Information remains with the student and the source. The source is not obligated to
report to Title IX Coordinator or anyone else unless there is imminent concern for
- University Counseling Center (UCC): 607-777-2772
- Decker Student Health Services Center: 607-777-2221
- Harpur's Ferry: 607-777-3333 (for emergencies), 607-777-3399 (station)
- University Ombudsman: 607-777-2388
- Binghamton University Interfaith Council (BUIC): 607-777-3470
- Campus Ministry
- Crime Victims Assistance Center (CVAC): 607-723-3200
- Employee Assistance Program: 607-777-6650
- Local hospitals:
- Family Planning of South Central New York: 607-723-8306
- Ascension Lourdes Vestal Medical Center: 607-754-5342
- UHS Binghamton General Hospital: 607-762-2200
- UHS Wilson Medical Center: 607-763-6000
- National Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
TTY 1-800-787-3224 - RAINN-Sexual Violence Hotline: 1-800-656-4673
- New York State Coalition Against Sexual Assault (NYSCASA): 1-800-942-6906
Submit an anonymous report
- Report a crime
- Report an incident of sexual assault, sexual harassment/discrimination, dating violence, domestic violence, or stalking to the Binghamton University Title IX Coordinator
- Campus Sexual Assault Victims Unit
To report a sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and/or stalking within a college campus in New York State: 1-844-845-7269
Community/Off Campus Resources
Susquehanna River Region's online database (information and referral): 211 or 1-800-901-2180
RISE (Emergency Shelter): 607-754-4340
A New Hope Center (Owego): 607-687-6866
National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Lifeline Project (LGBTIQ) 24/7 help line: 1-866-488-7386
SUNY Sexual Assault and Violence Response (SAVR) Resources
Local law enforcement:
All emergencies/Broome County Dispatcher: 911
City of Binghamton Police: 607-723-5321
Town of Vestal Police: 607-754-2111
Village of Endicott Police: 607-785-3341
Village of Johnson City Police: 607-729-9321