MTS Acumen 3
The MTS Acumen 3 electrodynamic tester consists of controller and load frame. The
controller provides the interface between the PC and the load frame. The load frame
has powered, movable crosshead and manual crosshead locks. The test samples are gripped
between mechanical grips attached to servo actuator. This instrument supports compatible
materials, and provides different test scenarios such as fatigue cycling, bending
testing, creep testing, and vibration testing with or without an environmental chamber
(150-350 0C). Powerful test design capabilities enable designing of standard, nonstandard,
and complex tests. Features include a direct-drive linear motor, high resolution digital
encoder, dynamic force of 3 kN (tension and compression), dynamic performance >100
Hz, 4 kHz data samples acquisition, a stroke length of 70 mm, and software control
through TestSuiteTM Multipurpose Testing Software (MPE).