Transgender Awareness Month is a time for transgender people and their allies to take action and bring attention to the community by educating the public and advancing advocacy around the issues of prejudice, discrimination, and violence that transgender people face.
Trans Awareness Month 2024

List of Events (register for all events on B-Engaged here)
11/1: Fashion w/ Flavor Fridays (FFF) - Trans Awareness Month Kickoff 3-5p in the Q Center
11/3: Dungeons and Dragons - One-Shot Campaign 2-6p in the Q Center
11/4: Trans Awareness Month Tabling in Tillman Lobby
11/6: Flag and Chalk the Spine 5-6p on the Spine
11/7: Sticker Making w/ ETS 6-7p in the Q Center
11/8: Fashion w/ Flavor Fridays (FFF) - Destress Jewelry Making 3-5p in the Q Center
11/11: Chop and Shop - Haircuts and Thrifting 4:30-7p in the Q Center and Bartle Breezeway
11/12: PrEP Awareness Event w/ STAP, SOGIE Educators and BHealthy in the Q Center
11/14: Beauty Beyond Binary: Makeup Workshop 5-7pm in the Q Center
11/15: Fashion w/ Flavor Fridays (FFF) - Film Series for Trans Awareness Month: DISCLOSURE 3-5p in the Q Center
11/18: Trans Day of Remembrance Tabling in Tillman Lobby
11/19: Queer-ies: Trans History 5-6p in the Q Center
11/20: Trans Day of Remembrance Vigil w/ Transcend 6-7p in APP 111
11/22: Active Ally Level 1 Workshop 10-12:30p in UU 124
11/22: Fashion w/ Flavor Fridays (FFF) - Trans Trivia 3-5p in the Q Center