Distinguished Service Award

Distinguished Service Award

The Distinguished Service Award highlights campus professionals who have made invaluable contributions to the campus community and to their profession through exemplary service.

2024 Distinguished Service Award:

Nominations are sought to highlight campus professionals who have made invaluable contributions to the campus community and their profession through exemplary service. All PSS-represented employees from the Research Foundation (RF), Management Confidential (MC) and United University Professions (UUP) are eligible for nomination and award. 

The nomination period for the 2024 DSA is now closed.

The Distinguished Service Award Recognition Ceremony will take place on Wednesday, May 15, 2024 from 3:00 - 4:30p.m. at the Appalachian Collegiate Center, Room 111. Please RSVP via Google Form by Wednesday, May 8, 2024.

Please contact the Chair of the Recognition Committee, Kaitlin Maynard, at kmaynard@binghamton.edu with any questions.


Eligible applicants include all Professional Staff Senate represented employees, which includes the following groups:

  • Research Foundation (RF) exempt employees;
  • Management Confidential (M/C)
  • United University Professions (UUP)

FROM THE CONSTITUTION: The constituency of PSS shall consist of all professional staff holding permanent, term, administrative or temporary appointment, with the exception of:

  • The President and Vice Presidents.
  • Those with academic or qualified academic rank whose primary responsibility is teaching, research or the Library.
  • Those with voting faculty privileges.
  • Research Foundation non-exempt staff.

Awardees will be ineligible for ten years following their receipt of the award, after which they may be nominated to receive the award again.

Please contact the Rules Committee Chair to verify eligibility.


Candidates for receipt of the Distinguished Service Award are reviewed according to the following merits:

  • Quality of service (has the individual gone “above and beyond” the calling of their role to provide true constituent service and effect lasting impressions?)
  • Reach of service (do the effects of this service impact other offices and/or different aspects of the student experience?)
  • Quantity of service (has the individual been a long-term contributor for one or more organizations and to what extent?)


  • Candidates for the Distinguished Service Award (DSA) can be nominated by any professional member of the campus community.
    • Completed applications include submission of the online nomination form and two to three letters of recommendation. It is highly recommended that one of the letters come from the nominee's supervisor.
  • A DSA selection committee is convened to review the applications received in each academic cycle.
    • All professional members of campus are eligible to participate in the DSA selection committee.
    • Neither nominators nor nominees can participate in the DSA selection process.
  • The DSA award recipient(s) shall be determined by the end of the Spring Semester each academic year.
    • The Distinguished Service Award Committee shall select up to three professionals who have made invaluable contributions to the campus community and to their profession through exemplary service. 
  • Formal recognition will take place at the annual Professional Staff Senate (PSS) Distinguished Service Award Recognition Ceremony.
  • The awardee(s) will also be appropriately recognized in PSS and University publications.
  • The award includes a framed certificate and monetary award. In addition, the name(s) of the awardee(s) will be added to the Distinguished Service Award plaque on display in the lobby of the Couper Administration Building.

The nomination period is announced each spring via Dateline and the PSS newsletter.

Distinguished Service Award Winners


Barbara Blake

Amanda Truin

Vincent Van Nostrand


Jonathan Cohen

Donald Kunkel

Aaron Phelps


Cait Crisman

Emily Sanderson

Paulina Schertzer


Michael Duell

Drew Tucci

Jeffrey Williams


Cindy Cowden

Jennifer Nolan


Courtney Ignarri


Thomas Blake

Carrie Feyerbend


Rachel Cavalari

Monice DeGennaro  


Michelle Jones                 

Cindy Olbrys

Betsy Staff


Kerry Cook


Rachel Coker

Holly Horn


Stephen Gowe

Jeffrey Horowitz


Katie Ellis

Bonnie Jenson

Krista Medionte-Phillips


Nancy Boyd-Goff

Jennifer Hapgood


Erik Colon

Alexsandra Silva


Tami Mann 

Oktay Sekercisoy 


Cynthia Altmansberger

Thomas Hanford 


Victor Fiori 

Ryan Yarosh 


Susan Barker

Carol Hall