Congratulations to the February 2025 PROPS Award Winner, John Hartrick!
"John Hartrick and I have been colleagues for decades. We don’t see each other often, but we’ve worked together on one or two projects a year for decades, and that adds up to a lot of projects! Through the dozens of game programs, Hall of Fame programs, special events logos, and most recently, the new Athletics magazine, John has been a pleasure to work with. He’s meticulous, detail oriented, and easy going, even when asking — for the millionth time — for a photo from the famous athletic history book. His knowledge of our athletic history is amazing, and his perspective is unique. Not only has he witnessed many of the University’s biggest athletic accomplishments, he has personal friendships with the athletes, coaches and staff who make them happen. He is a living Bearcats encyclopedia. He puts in long hours on the road trip bus, keeps stats, files media reports and still manages to crank out engaging magazine articles. He is a dedicated professional and an asset to the Athletics Department and the University, and is well deserving of this recognition."
-David Skyrca, Division of Communications and Marketing
The Peer Recognition of Outstanding Professional Service (PROPS) award empowers Binghamton University staff to recognize campus colleagues who do quietly great work. At its heart, this award honors people who make substantive and meaningful contributions to the university community as a whole, in their actions and their demeanor, without seeking recognition.
The PROPS Award has been all over campus! Check out these GIS maps to see where else
the award has traveled.
PROPS = Peer Recognition of Outstanding Professional Service
The PROPS award empowers Binghamton University staff to recognize campus colleagues who do quietly great work. At its heart, this award honors people who make substantive and meaningful contributions to the university community as a whole, in their actions and their demeanor, without seeking recognition.
Recipients of this award demonstrate selflessness, attentiveness, and thoughtfulness. They are responsive listeners and dependable collaborators, eager to help others while excelling at their own work. They are engaged members of the campus community, and they exhibita spirit of service, resilience, and camaraderie that inspires everyone who interacts with them.
Responsibilities of the Awardee
Displaying the Award
For the remainder of this month, please proudly display the trophy in your office,
workspace, or public area – and don't be shy about telling people what the award means
and why you were selected!
Selecting Next Month's Recipient
As current award-holder, you have the honor – and responsibility – of choosing the
next awardee. The recipient you choose can be ANY staff member at Binghamton University represented
by the Professional Staff Senate, with a few restrictions:
• The recipient should work in a different division or area of the University
• The recipient cannot be in an office that has had another recipient in the last
the six months
• The recipient shouldn't be a family member, spouse, or close friend (though you
should know a bit about their work)
• Since this award is intended to highlight staff who have not received recognition,
you are encouraged to select someone who has not recently won any other major campus
By the 24th of this month, send the name of your nominee and a brief description of why you chose them to We will confirm their eligibility and work with you to find a time to present the award to them (but don't tell them yet, since we want it to be a surprise!).
Giving the Award to the New Recipient
Your final duty will be to join a member of the PSS Executive Committee in presenting the award to the recipient you selected. We'll also ask you to pose for a photo with the new awardee, which we'll feature in our newsletter and on our website.
"Sarah plans many events, such as Commencement and the Excellence Awards, which recognize
the accomplishments of others. Sarah spends countless hours planning and coordinating
all aspects of each event to ensure the event goes off flawlessly. Well, it is time
for Sarah to receive some recognition. Sarah makes my job so much easier, and working
with her on all her events is an absolute pleasure. She will take the time to ensure
we work out every last detail and is always empathetic to the needs of my staff.
Sarah is the epitome of what an event planner should be. When a work order comes
across my bench with Sarah’s name on it, I feel a sense of relief that no matter how
complex the event is, I know it will go off without a hitch!"
-Ryan Ferrantelli, Building Services & Events Manager
“There are so many reasons why David Skyrca is deserving of this award. He always
goes above and beyond and his creative energy is one I admire. We work closely on
designing the invitations for the Forum Gala. He knows how opinionated I am and he
is so patient in trying to define my vision. He takes my words and translates them
into an invitation that tells a story throughout the event. And he is always professional
in our discussions, even when he’s trying to explain to me why we can’t do something.
Most recently, David was instrumental in the success of our Excelebration event during
Homecoming Weekend – an important weekend that celebrated the conclusion of a successful
campaign. Even when he was bombarded with so many other projects, he takes ours on
and makes our vision become a reality. He takes pride in everything he produces. We
had short turnarounds and he was very patient with us, assisting us in transforming
the hallway of the lecture hall into an amazing event space. He went that extra mile
(or two) assisting with the application of floor clings, making sure they were spaced
properly on the floor. He was literally on his hands and knees helping out! Now that’s
a colleague you want to work with.
David has worked on the Foundation Board Resolutions since I can remember. Not only formatting the actual Resolution, but helping me pick out frames. I would call David from the store making sure I had the correct measurements – he was always so helpful, although I’m sure shaking his head when he hung up. And it didn’t stop there. He would then frame the Resolutions. They always looked professionally done. Then we decided to change the format last year, David was instrumental in creating this new vision, making sure everything was just right, as always.
I see David at Wegman’s almost weekly on Sunday mornings. You would think he’d run in the opposite direction when he saw me, especially when I have a project in the queue, but not him. He’s always willing to take the time to talk about work, even if we are blocking everyone in the produce isle.
I am very thankful to have this opportunity to recognize David for all his hard work, dedication and friendship! And if you didn’t know this about him, he’s a music buff. So if you need a recommendation on a great concert, he’s your guy!”
- Pam Kollar, Constituent Relations Manager
“Pam Kollar plans numerous events year after year, meticulously planning every last detail to ensure a highly successful event every time. Even with her high standards, Pam still worries about how every decision she makes affects Facilities Management staff. Words can’t describe my appreciation for Pam’s empathy regarding our staff. Pam will typically call me when she wants to discuss an upcoming event. I can honestly say that I look forward to answering the phone when I see Pam’s name on the caller ID. We have worked together, collaborating on events for several years now, and every interaction I’ve ever had with Pam began and ended with a smile on her face. Pam radiates positivity even when things aren’t going as intended. Pam always brightens my day; hopefully, with this nomination, I can return the favor.”
- Ryan Ferrantelli, Building Services Manager
“Hands down I could not do my job without Ryan Ferrantelli. Binghamton University would have no UFEST, no Fall Concert, no Spring Fling without him. Couldn’t do it. Ok, so yes, we would have a position on campus that would fulfill the role - but Ryan brings so much more to the table. His opinion matters more to me as an event planner than most people at this University. If he tells me that it’s easier for his staff to move tables in a certain way or to use/not use a location or anything really - I say “Yes Sir! What do you need from me?”
- Jennifer Keegin, Director for Campus Activities, Dean of Students Office
“Jen was one of the first campus partners I worked with when I started. I was so grateful to have met Jen because of her helpful attitude and her knowledge of Binghamton University. She was my go to when I was acclimating myself and I am thankful for that relationship. Once I got my feet wet, Jen was open to hearing my crazy new ideas on how to collaborate and make our events bigger and better. It truly meant a lot to have an experienced professional listen to a new professional like me.
I could go on and on, however, to keep this short, Jen deserves this award tenfold. I know she works hard to make our students on campus experience fun and engaging. I also know she is a wonderful team player and is willing to do what it takes to make the Binghamton University community great. I am so glad to have Jen as a resource.”
- Tenley Peak, Associate Director of Alumni Affinity Programs
“Tenley has always been an excellent colleague. I met Tenley over 5 years ago during
a retreat that Fleishman put together and I remember her warmth and kindness. I was
relatively new to the campus, so it was nice to find someone who could help me feel
a bit more comfortable with the new environment. Since then, Tenley and I have collaborated
on several events/programs and she is such a trusted collaborator. She wears MANY
hats and coordinates several large-scale programs but I can always count on her to
be present, available, and committed to the work. I appreciate her consistently looking
for ways to make Binghamton a better campus. I know that if I ever have any question,
challenges, or concerns, she will do whatever she can to help me through them.”
- Richie Sebuharara, Director TRIO Upward Bound
"My first interaction with Richie was during my interview process when he was on the
search committee. I distinctly recall his warm energy, positive outlook and passion
he has for the work he does for students at Binghamton University. Walking out of
the interview I remember feeling inspired because Richie was so authentic and passionate
in his answers to my questions. Since my interview Richie and I have only gotten to
see each other in passing or amongst groups of people at events; however, I observe
the ways he interacts with students at the MRC Monthly Mixers and how at ease they
are in his presence. The warmth and care he provides when anyone is in his presence
is a breath of fresh air and I just know that he positively impacts the lives of so
many students on campus. I have also had students directly share with me their positive
experiences with him. I can't think of a more deserving, inspiring and thoughtful
person to pass this award on to."
- Ryan Harrington, Academic Success Advisor, Financial Aid
"Ryan has been an amazing colleague since he started at BU! He is open to partnership between our offices at every opportunity. He has helped immensely with our class for students on academic probation, everything from giving a presentation on the various aspects of wellness to offering to meet with students for additional support. Whenever I have questions or if we are working on a project together, he is the first to offer to jump on a Zoom meeting or come over to my office to meet. Students and staff alike enjoy working with Ryan!"
-Kim Maurer, Admissions and Student Services Specialist, CCPA Social Work
"Simply put, Kim is GREAT. Kim has gone above and beyond working with any and all students that we refer to her. She takes the time to have difficult conversations with students who may be struggling with a variety of challenges on campus- be that roommates, home sickness, or disability related complications. She always ask great questions, always supports our students, and walks through what can be an overwhelming process for them. We work with many advisors and departments on campus, and knowing that we have a friend and ally in Harpur Advising makes it so much easier to connect our students. Thank you KIM!"
- Christen Szymanski, Director, Services for Students with Disabilities
“Since her appointment as director for Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) in June 2022, Christen Szymanski has made significant impact with her efforts in disability advocacy, awareness, and accommodation provision and implementation at Binghamton University. As one of the staff members responsible for coordinating accessible features and disability accommodations in our residence halls, I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to work with Christen on both small and large projects to improve the student experience. Her team-oriented and hardworking approach to collaboration showcases her eagerness to help others and ensure our campus sees positive change. Most recently, Residential Life and SSD worked together to implement the campus’ first calming sensory room – the Snoezelen Room, located in Marcy Hall. Christen’s leadership helped make this vision a reality.
Working with Christen is an absolute pleasure. Not only does she make continual efforts to improve the student experience and increase awareness for the disability community, but Christen also routinely demonstrates a positive attitude that makes her approachable for students and staff alike. Christen always employs a big smile and utilizes a keen sense of humor to make meetings and interactions more productive, fun, and supportive. We are fortunate to have such a selfless and thoughtful colleague in Christen. She embodies what it means to be an excellent campus partner and I am honored to nominate her for the December 2023 Peer Recognition of Outstanding Professional Service (PROPS) award.”
- Ryan Roosa, Associate Director of Residential Life, Operations and Project Management
"Ryan and I have worked together since he was a new hire in Residential Life. Thrown right into the deep-end his first summer, he enthusiastically overcame all the challenges and demands the position threw his way. As he has continued to move up in his roles over the years, Ryan remains strongly committed to serving the mission of Residential Life and is passionate about providing residents with the best living-learning environment the University can offer. His calm and composed personality is inspiring; nothing seems to ever phase him!
Facilities Management and Residential Life work closely to determine, then prioritize, the various operational needs of the many residential communities. Ryan’s willingness to elaborate on student expectations, be an actively engaged partner in determining project scope, and remain open-minded through the process, has fostered an enjoyable and trusting, working relationship. His spirit of service is seen in his dependability, responsiveness, and willingness to assist whenever the need arises. Highly respected both in Facilities Management and Residential life, it is with great pleasure that I nominate Ryan for the PROPS award."
- Jennifer Bourassa, Project Designer-Coordinator, Facilities Management
“As a member of the Telecommunications dept and part of the Operation and Infrastructure (O&I) group, which also includes Networking and SIS, we have a long-standing history of working with several of our colleagues in Facilities Mgmt on small and large-scale projects. A significant part of success with our projects and group collaboration comes down to communication and organization; being a good person we enjoy working with is a bonus.
I happily nominate Jennifer for the PROPS award. Jennifer is always on top of her projects and is excellent to work with. I asked team members in O&I, and they all had good things to say about Jennifer. Many great people are in the FM group, and Jennifer represents them well.”
- Zachary Jones, Assistant Director, Telecommunications
"I've worked with Zach for the past 10+ years in his role with Telecommunications. Working in an office of 15 staff members, we are frequently reaching out to Zach for help with a phone or phone software issue. Zach is always beyond helpful, kind, and his patience is commendable. He has been especially supportive with staff who are working from home. He responds to questions or issues quickly (even during off-hours) and sees through any issues to make sure they are fully resolved. The Office of Student Accounts is beyond grateful for all that Zach does for our office."
- Sandra McCulskey, Senior Associate Director, Office of Student Accounts
"I have worked with Sandra in my several roles on campus and she has always been very helpful and always pleasant. Sandra is consistently patient and thorough and was a big help to me when I made the switch to CCPA. I appreciate this even more because I know that her department is extremely busy all of the time. She goes above and beyond and is very knowledgeable in all that she does. The campus is lucky to have her and it is a pleasure to work with her, the CCPA Dean's Office appreciate everything she does very much!"
- Jonathan Roma, Finance and Operations Associate, CCPA Dean's Office
“I have had the distinct pleasure of getting to work with Jonathan for many years now, both in his current role in CCPA and in his former role in HR. He is known to greet you with a cheerful hello and a genuine smile. He makes it a point to be helpful and is known to go above and beyond to seek answers to complex problems. I am grateful for his diligence in responding to any questions that I have and I’m appreciative of his willingness to collaborate with my office as it relates to application fees, enrollment deposits and student funding initiatives. Jon is an exemplary employee who is an asset to Binghamton University and I am delighted to nominate him for this award in recognition for all that he does. ”
- April St. John, Director, Office of Graduate Recruitment and Admissions
“April has been working in the Graduate Recruitment and Admissions office for almost
a year now. In that short time, she has created an atmosphere of cooperation and
collaboration with IT and other offices. She quickly came up to speed and then surpassed
expectations. April is always kind and clear in her communications. As complex as some of the projects between our teams can become, she always has good insight and helps to guide them in an improved direction. April makes Binghamton University a higher quality university for students and for staff.”
- Lauri Arnold, Software Development Analyst, Information Technology Services
“Lauri is our go-to for many of our student system integrations. She takes the time to understand the business needs of a functional area, and translate that into a seamless technological solution. She is thorough, consistently accurate, and has a foresight for potential issues or enhancements and developing solutions in advance. Selflessly, she will help us with a time-sensitive issue and always thinks in terms of what will benefit students and those that serve them. In my years of working with Lauri, she has been friendly, patient, and just an overall pleasure to work with. I appreciate her sprinkling our lively discussions with a dose of wit! We owe many of our successes to Lauri’s work and I am proud to share this gratitude with the Binghamton University community.”
- Michael Trapani, Senior Associate Director, Student Records
“Michael has been a go-to colleague for me since my arrival at BU. Regardless of when or how often I reach out to him, he is always happy to help or explain the myriad details of the Student Records office and processing. Even when it seems like I am asking the same question for the 14th time, he is always friendly and patient. His knowledge of Student Records, SAS, and the campus as a whole make him an asset to the University. Michael is diligent, efficient, knowledgeable, professional, and above all, friendly. It is a pleasure to work with him. His consistent excellence in his role is the reason I would like to nominate him for the PROPS award.”
- Karen Hill, Data Analyst, Office of Institutional Research
“As a data analyst for the Office of InstitutionalResearch much of what Karen does is not well known by the campus at large. However, I would not be able to perform my job duties effectively without her. Karenand I work closely together onthe creation of the newacademic programs across ourcampus systems. As a colleague she is someone I can always rely on and also makes herself available whenever I have any questions or need to work through a problem. I also appreciate that Karen takes the time to understand not only how a process is done but why it is done that way. Her attention to detail and institutional knowledge is an asset to our campus community. I am happy that I am able to nominate her for this award in recognition of all that she does.“
-Dakota May, Assistant Director, Student Records
“Dakota has been kind enough to help with Degree Works especially now with the Graduate Students being in there. She is always helpful with SAS and checking to make sure that the students have submitted everything in order to get their degree (diploma). She is always friendly and willing to help with any questions that are asked. It is always great working with her.”
-Kathy Horton, Administrative Assistant, Department of Comparative Literature
"Kathy works tirelessly, both to support her own department and to lend a hand whenever called upon. Kind, smart, and always cheerful. Kathy played a pivotal role in helping the entire Economics department transition to the new BU domain and worked alongside Technical Support to help make the process as smooth as possible. Myself, and other staff in my department, have repeatedly expressed praise for Kathy and always look forward to working with her."
-Kim Smey, Senior Windows System Administrator, ITS
"While I haven't had many opportunities to interact with Kim, those I've had have been great. Earlier this year, the Print Solutions department was having problems transitioning computers to the new BU platform and Kim answered the call. She was friendly, helpful, and most importantly, knowledgeable and responsive. She handled our requests professionally and timely, either in person or with detailed instructions via email when that wasn't possible. She was also willing to take on an extra task to correct a network issue we had been dealing with for some time. All of us a Print Solutions appreciate Kim's help and feel she is a great asset to ITS."
-Jeff Gehret, Print Production Manager, Binghamton University Print Solutions
“Jeff has been beyond accommodating to the theatre department in the 10 years I've worked here. He and his fellow staff have made jobs materialize under tight deadlines and in hectic times of the semester. I've often needed his help in stressful times and he's always been honest and has done everything he can to fulfill requests in a very humble manner.”
-Kari Bayait, Marketing and Promotions Manager, Department of Theatre
“As long as I’ve known Kari, she has been thinking in innovative ways to promote her
department and their students. She goes above and beyond in her job role and constantly
takes on new initiatives. It shows that Kari’s leadership promotes progress and a
creative atmosphere which in turn benefits those who work with her.”
- Marcus Newton, Photography Studio Specialist, Department of Art and Design
“I am nominating Marc because I have seen over the years his commitment to students
and his program. He has gone out of his way to help students with projects, pushing
them to think about what they are doing. I have seen how he completely reorganized
and made the printing and photos studio useful and welcoming. Marc always seems to
be looking for ways to collaborate between departments and promote a greater experience
for all those that are involved.”
- Joshua DeMarree, Plant Curator, Biological Sciences
“Josh is the Plant Curator of the University Greenhouse. I know he takes his duties
very seriously in putting in many hours of care, watering, and feeding for the many
varieties of plants. Even during the pandemic, while the facility was not open, his
schedule had to be maintained so as to not lose the greenhouse inventory. He has also
taken to instructing on how to tap the sugar maple trees on campus (over by the Rec
Center). I also note that the greenhouse has an Amorphophallus Titanum (corpse flower)
getting ready to bloom.”
- Bob Beavan, Information Technology Services Software Development Analyst
“Receiving the PSS PROPS award was such an honor! Getting to select the next month’s
awardee is a great privilege and way to “pay it forward”. I’d like to recognize Bob
Beavan from ITS for all the work he does for the University. He is one of those people
who works diligently, behind the scenes, to keep vital University systems functioning.
One of Bob’s many responsibilities is supporting our classroom and event scheduling
system. He is constantly monitoring the system and taking action to fix issues. Any
time there is a problem, he quickly works to resolve it.
During COVID, numerous changes to the schedule of classes were made and none of that could have been possible without the meticulous and resourceful work done by Bob. He was able to automate processes that would have required multiple people working many hours to complete. His work was critical in effecting the various scheduling scenarios that allowed the University to maximize the number of in person classes available to students.
I, and the staff in the Course Building and Academic Space Management Office, know of the stellar job that Bob Beavan does every day. He is vital to our success. I am thrilled to sing his praises to the University community for all to hear.”
- Michelle Ponczek, Course Building and Academic Space Management
"Over this past year, every aspect of the University has needed to pivot to help students
succeed. Some areas have needed to pivot more than others, and none more so than Michelle
Ponczek’s. She has needed to envision space on campus in ways no one anticipated.
Throughout the pandemic, Michelle has helped every department succeed by working collaboratively
to determine solutions.
She has changed rooms, only to change them again, and sometimes again; making the bingo board work. When asked in meetings why certain decisions were made, Michelle can explain administrative directives in a way that is understandable and practical. Helping to bring folks on board and move in a positive direction. "
- Patti Reuther, Director of Innovative Simulation and Practice
"Despite a very full plate in her role as Director of Innovative Simulation and Practice within the Decker College of Nursing and Health Sciences (including a move to a new building across town!), Patti has been available when needed to support the University’s COVID response plan.
During fall move-in testing at the Events Center, Patti was instrumental in training and supervising student and staff volunteers; an important component to the operation’s success. Web-based training modules were developed and in-person training and supervision provided.
This semester, with the significant increase in testing demand, Patti has assisted in staffing recruitment of senior nursing students and additional staff training as the site pivoted to a new testing approach. Her work is consistently of exceptional quality; she is always willing to assist and continually serves with a smile.
Thank you, Patti, we appreciate you, your time, and your service. It is a pleasure and privilege to call you a colleague! "
- Johann Fiore-Conte, Associate Vice President for Student Affairs and Chief Health and Wellness Officer
"Johann has been one of the greatest allies for athletics and I know many other department leaders feel the same. Whether it is a department she oversees or not she provides a platform for collaboration and helps develop a plan for conflict resolution. She has been one of the university's greatest leaders throughout the COVID-19 pandemic."
- Chris Downey, Associate Director of Athletics for Sports Medicine and Performance
"Chris is the epitome of "responsive listener and dependable collaborator, eager to help others while excelling at his own work". He and I have been working together with COVID testing to ensure that student athletes can practice and compete.
Planning, tracking, and testing athletes is an ever-changing job. Chris has been working tirelessly at all hours of the day and night to plan the complex testing schedule, communicate with offices around the campus, and perform contract tracing. It's a huge job that he added to his plate. He always approaches it with a positive attitude and helpful spirit. I especially appreciate his graciousness as we continue to work out kinks in the process and adapt as we go along. He has been a fantastic colleague to work with and very much deserves this award."
- Kim Yousey-Elsener, Director of Student Affairs Assessment
"Kim has been a COVID rockstar! From day 1 she has taken and run with the responsibility of at first the data entry at the events center, to now scheduling every student, faculty and staff member to get texted. We have our healthy campus because of Kim Yousey-Elsener!"
- Emily Sanderson, Continuity Planner
"Emily has stepped up to supervise and manage the surveillance test site on campus.
She continually goes above and beyond to ensure that the site runs smoothly, all student
questions are answered, and staff members are well taken care of. In honesty, I'm
not sure where we (or the University) would be without her. "
- Caitlin Crisman, Emergency Management Assistant
"I met John while working on finishing up the School of Pharmacy building as well
as the basement renovation project at the School of Pharmacy. John was a great help
in aiding in the scheduling access to classrooms and office areas throughout the building
during the warranty period of the pharmacy project and class schedules while working
on the basement project. He was always very professional and courteous in dealing
with everyday issues as they arose.
It was observed that John wears many hats for his job and was always willing to aide in any way he can to help and to keep things going smooth. It was a pleasure to work with John on the two projects I worked on at the School of Pharmacy, and I look forward to working with him again in the future.
I feel that John Is everything that the PROPS stands for."
- Richard Jaycox, Facilities Management Site Representative
After giving it some thought, I would like to nominate Rick Jaycox. He is a Site Representative
for Facilities Management. Rick is a great contact to have on all of the construction
projects which he works on. He is extremely knowledgeable in all things construction,
and works hard to make sure every job runs as smooth as possible. I look forward to
working on jobs that Rick is involved with because I know that if there is something
I need he will go out of his way to make it happen. He is more than just a face on
a job, he makes it a point to have genuine conversations with every person working
on a project and is even known to crack a few jokes. If you are not meeting the safety
guidelines, or in the case of the Pharmacy Basement project, making too much noise
at inappropriate times of the day, believe me, he WILL let you know. I feel that Rick
demonstrates everything the PROPS Award stands for, selflessness, attentiveness, and
thoughtfulness. .
- Christopher Kelly, October 2019 PROPS Award Winner
I very much appreciated being the Professional Staff Senate PROPS award recipient
for the Month of September 2019. The trophy has been proudly displayed during my tenure
and I have been able to educate many co-workers on the Professional Staff Senate and
the PROPS award. With that said, I have given serious consideration to the next recipient,
which for me was actually a pretty easy decision to make. I am nominating Christopher
Kelly, who is a Security Infrastructure and Support Technician with the Physical Security
Office in Information Technology Services. "Scoop" as he is affectionately known by
his friends and colleagues is a dedicated employee who works tirelessly to constantly
improve, and educate end users on the infrastructure our department uses on a daily
basis, nights and weekends included. He shows a true concern for how the products
he installs and services help to maintain a safe environment on Campus.
- Joseph Gallagher, September 2019 PROPS Award Winner
I have known Joe Gallagher for about 15 years. Joe and I worked together in the Facilities department at Universal Instruments Corporation prior to coming to Binghamton University. If it wasn't for Joe, I would not have my position here at Environmental Health & Safety. Joe held my position, but decided to move on to become a police officer with University Police, therefore allowing me to apply for his old position in EH&S. Joe has been with University Police for about 12 years and has now moved on to become an Investigator. This indicates Joe's hard work and dedication to further and excel in his career.
- Mark Gialanella, August 2019 PROPS Award Winner
Environmental Health and Safety provide guidance to promote a safe campus environment for faculty, staff, students, and visitors. Mark Gialanella has been part of the EH&S Fire Safety Group since January 2008. In his community, Mark has been a volunteer firefighter for 28 years with the Five Mile Point Fire Department. In his spare time he enjoys riding his 2018 Harley-Davidson low rider motorcycle and caring for his two dogs. EAP would like to nominate Mark Gialanella, Fire Safety Systems Coordinator, for the August 2019 PROPS Award. Mark and his team play an integral role on this campus to keep everyone safe. Mark’s warm friendliness and eagerness to be of assistance to EAP staff when needed exudes the university’s values of Unity, Identity, and Excellence. We are appreciative of his dedication to the Binghamton community.
- Ada Robinson-Perez, June - July 2019 PROPS Award Winner
Ada Robinson-Perez is the Associate Director of the Employee Assistance Program (EAP).
Her commitment to improving access to mental health for children and families at Binghamton
University and the community is exemplary and extensive. She has provided mental health
disaster relief, crisis intervention, and community mental health safety training
as part of the NYS Office of Mental Health. She is also a social worker and a counselor
who provides ways to improve interpersonal workplace dynamics and expand cultural
awareness. Ada is committed to ensuring that we have a campus and community whose
well-being is healthy and supported. In addition to her volunteer activities on and
off campus, she is currently pursuing her PhD in Binghamton University's Community
Research and Action program. Ada is a tremendous support and resource for our campus
and community.
- Lea Webb, May 2019 PROPS Award Winner
Lea Webb works in DDEI very quietly and intently. Lea works tirelessly to bring awareness
both on and off campus. Here at the University, Lea is the University Institute Coordinator.
She develops and trains many staff and faculty on cultural competency, recruitment,
retention, race relations, and overall development. This is often a thankless job
that does not receive the recognition it deserves. Lea is tasked with providing learning
opportunities and all the topics that make many uncomfortable. Outside of the University,
she is a former councilwoman, community organizer and activist, leading her community
for over 15 years. She is also on the steering committee for Black Millennial Political
Convention (BMC), which is a group focused on increasing equity, power and civic engagement
for the Black community. Lea gives tirelessly of herself to help others advance. She
has done so in her career and personal life. Lea Webb is the perfect candidate for
the PROPS Award.
- Qiana Watson, April 2019 PROPS Award Winner
Qiana was chosen as the first recipient of the PROPS award due to her tremendous contribution
to the campus community. She is deeply committed to ensuring that students have the
resources and support they need to thrive at Binghamton. She is a supportive and collaborative
colleague, whose compassion, dedication, and hard work are evident in all that she
does. She has aided the campus in responding to and healing after difficult and heartbreaking
events, was a founding staff member (and continuing supporter) of the Bear Necessities
Food Pantry, and is an exceptional member of the Dean of Student's Office CARE Team.
Binghamton is a better and brighter place because of Qiana.

About the Professional Staff Senate
The Professional Staff Senate (PSS) is the officially recognized organization for professional staff at Binghamton University. Our group of twenty-seven elected Senators seek to support the welfare, development, and working environment for professional employees, while also providing oversight and advocating for staff interests in all parts of our campus.