What is eduroam?

Eduroam (education roaming) is a secure, world-wide wireless internet access service developed for the international research and education community. It allows students, researchers, faculty, and staff to connect to participating institutions' wireless networks using their home institution's user credentials.

Connect to eduroam - For Binghamton University Students, Faculty, and Staff

Connect to eduroam with JoinNow: Download JoinNow on your wireless device. Authenticate using your Binghamton University Computer Account (old PODs) username and password. JoinNow will automatically append the required by eduroam.

Prepare for Your Trip: Before leaving Binghamton University, configure and test your device on eduroam. Remember, you will be bound by the host institution's network and security policies. Please note that the host institution may not provide support for visitors accessing eduroam.

Need Help?
For assistance connecting to eduroam at another institution, contact the ITS Help Desk. Phone: 607-777-6420 Email:

Connect to eduroam - For Visitors to Binghamton University

Connecting with Your Home Institution Credentials: Use your Binghamton user ID and password to connect to eduroam at Binghamton University. If needed, obtain setup instructions from your home institution.

Users of the Binghamton University data network must abide by the Binghamton University Computer and Network Acceptable Use Policy.